16.3. Writing Drivers

Perforce Chronicle supplies a set of drivers for commonly used image libraries, but developers may want to create their own drivers. A custom driver typically implements P4Cms_Image_Driver_Interface and extends from P4Cms_Image_Driver_Abstract, which provides infrastructure for image transformations and driver management, plus a uniform strategy for invoking transformation methods: a transformation called 'transform' will be invoked by calling the _transform() method.

For example, when a developer wants to create a new image driver using the foo extension that implements the 'scale', 'sharpen' and 'rotate' transformations, the driver class might look like this:

class P4Cms_Image_Driver_Foo extends P4Cms_Image_Driver_Abstract
     * @var string  The name of the extension required for this driver to function.
    protected   $_requiredExtension     = 'foo';

     * @var array   The list of transformations this driver implements.
    protected   $_supportedTransforms   = array(

     * Set the image data.
     * @param   string|null             $data optional - image data
     * @return  P4Cms_Image_Driver_Foo  provides fluent interface
    public function setData($data = null)
        // set image data

        return $this;

     * Return binary image data.
     * @param   string          $type   optional - the image format (will return image data
     *                                  in the same format as input if not provided)
     * @return  string|null     binary image data or null if no image data were set
    public function getData($type = null)
        // early exit if there is no image data
        if (!$this->hasData()) {
            return null;

        // get image data into $data

        return $data;

     * Check if there is image data to operate with.
     * @return  bool    true if there has been image data set, false otherwise.
    public function hasData()
        // check if there is image data

        return $data ? true : false;

     * Check if given image type is supported.
     * @param   string  $type   image type to check for
     * @return  bool    true if given image type is supported, false otherwise
    public function isSupportedType($type)
        // check if image type is supported

        return $supported ? true : false;

     * Scale the image to the given size.
     * @param   int     $width          the width in pixels
     * @param   int     $height         the height in pixels
    protected function _scale($width, $height)
        // implement image scaling

     * Sharpen the image.
    protected function _sharpen()
        // implement image sharpening

     * Rotate the image.
     * @param   float   $degrees        the rotation angle
    protected function _rotate($degrees)
        // implement image rotate

     * Return image width in pixels.
     * @return  int     image width in pixels
    protected function _getImageWidth()
        // get image width

        return $width

     * Return image height in pixels.
     * @return  int     image height in pixels
    protected function _getImageHeight()
        // get image height

        return $height;

Perforce Chronicle - Release: 2012.2/486814