14.13. Workflows

As described in Section 5.1, “Overview”, a workflow is a group of states used to guide content (or any P4Cms_Record object) to being published, and each state may express transitions to other states, which can be restricted by conditions or enhanced with actions. Development for workflows focuses on the creation of conditions and actions that can be used by transitions.

Place condition classes in the module folder, within the workflows/conditions folder. Place action classes in the module folder, within the workflows/actions folder.

Here is the skeleton of a workflow condition:

 * A skeleton workflow condition that always evaluates to true.
 * @copyright   copyright info
 * @license     license info
 * @version     version info
class Foo_Workflow_Condition_True extends Workflow_ConditionAbstract
     * Always return true.
     * @param   Workflow_Model_Transition   $transition     transition to evaluate this condition for.
     * @param   P4Cms_Record                $record         record to evaluate this condition for.
     * @param   array|null                  $pending        optional - updated values to consider.
     * @return  bool                        true no matter what.
    protected function _evaluate(
        Workflow_Model_Transition $transition,
        P4Cms_Record $record,
        array $pending = null)
        return true;

The $pending parameter is an array of current values that may populate a record, and can be compared to the $record object to determine the differences made during editing.

Here is the skeleton of a workflow action:

 * A sample workflow action that does nothing.
 * @copyright   copyright info
 * @license     license info
 * @version     version info
class Foo_Workflow_Action_Skeleton extends Workflow_ActionAbstract
     * Does nothing.
     * @param   Workflow_Model_Transition   $transition     transition to invoke this action for.
     * @param   P4Cms_Record                $record         record to invoke this action for.
     * @return  Workflow_ActionInterface    provides fluent interface.
    public function invoke(Workflow_Model_Transition $transition, P4Cms_Record $record)
        return $this;

For details on how to update your workflow configuration to utilize new conditions or actions, please refer to Section 5.6, “Specifying Workflows”.

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