Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation

Menu_Form_MenuItemContent Class Reference

This form is specialized for content menu items and provides a content reference element and label enhancements. More...

Inheritance diagram for Menu_Form_MenuItemContent:
Menu_Form_MenuItem P4Cms_Form Menu_Form_MenuItemContentQuick

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 init ()
 Defines the elements that make up the content menu item form.
 setDefaults ($defaults)
 Extends parent to deal with enabling/disabling label field based on use of content's title.

Protected Member Functions

 _updateLabel ()
 Get javascript code to update the label input from the content reference element.

Detailed Description

This form is specialized for content menu items and provides a content reference element and label enhancements.

2011-2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved
Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.

Member Function Documentation

Menu_Form_MenuItemContent::_updateLabel ( ) [protected]

Get javascript code to update the label input from the content reference element.

string the js to update the label.
        return "var label = dojo.query('input[name=label]',                    this.form)[0];"
             . "var title = dojo.query('input[name=contentId-title]',          this.form)[0];"
             . "var auto  = dojo.query('input[name=autoLabel][type=checkbox]', this.form)[0];"
             . "if (auto.checked) {"
             . "    label.value = title.value;"
             . "}";
Menu_Form_MenuItemContent::init ( )

Defines the elements that make up the content menu item form.

Called automatically when the form object is created.

Reimplemented from Menu_Form_MenuItem.

Reimplemented in Menu_Form_MenuItemContentQuick.


        // distinguish this form from other menu item forms for styling.
        $this->setAttrib('class', $this->getAttrib('class') . ' menu-item-content-form');

        // make the title optional and add a description

                'label'     => "Use content entry's title",
                'order'     => -35,
                'value'     => true,
                'ignore'    => true,
                'onClick'   => $this->_updateLabel()
                            .  "if (this.checked) {"
                            .  "    dojo.attr(label, 'disabled', 'true');"
                            .  "} else {"
                            .  "    dojo.removeAttr(label, 'disabled');"
                            .  "}"

        // adjust how the auto-label element is decorated
        // to put the label immediately after the checkbox.
        $element = $this->getElement('autoLabel');

        // add a content reference field
                'label'     => 'Entry',
                'required'  => true,
                'onChange'  => $this->_updateLabel(),
                'onLoad'    => $this->_updateLabel()

                'label'         => "Action",
                'required'      => true,
                'multiOptions'  => array(
                    'view'      => 'Go To Page',
                    'image'     => 'View Image',
                    'download'  => 'Download File'
Menu_Form_MenuItemContent::setDefaults ( defaults)

Extends parent to deal with enabling/disabling label field based on use of content's title.

P4Cms_Record | array$defaultsthe default values to set on elements
Zend_Form provides fluent interface

Reimplemented from Menu_Form_MenuItem.

Reimplemented in Menu_Form_MenuItemContentQuick.


        $noTitle = strlen($this->getValue('label')) <= 0;

             ->setAttrib('disabled', $noTitle ?: null);


        return $this;

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