Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation

P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action Class Reference

The Action Cache operates in a similar manner to Zend's Page Cache frontend but defines caching rules based on the module/controller/action instead of URI. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __construct (array $options=array())
 Constructor; allows the base options to be set.
 _flush ($content)
 Callback for output buffering (shouldn't really be called manually) If the current response is for a known action, and our options allow caching this response, pushes a copy into cache for later usage.
 addIgnoredSessionVariable ($key)
 Add a session variable key to the list we will ignore.
 addTag ($tag)
 Add the specified tag to the active options.
 addTags (array $tags)
 Add the specified tags to the active options.
 cancel ()
 Cancel the current caching process.
 getBaseUrl ()
 Get the base url set on this instance.
 getIgnoredSessionVariables ()
 Returns the list of session variable keys which will be ignored.
 getRolenames ()
 Get the rolenames set on this instance.
 getTags ()
 Get the current list of tags.
 getUsername ()
 Get the username set on this instance.
 setBaseUrl ($baseUrl)
 Set a base url on this instance.
 setIgnoredSessionVariables (array $keys)
 Cause the list of ignored session variable keys to contain only the passed keys.
 setRolenames ($rolenames)
 Set rolenames on this instance.
 setUsername ($username)
 Set a username on this instance.
 start ($doNotLoad=false, $doNotDie=false)
 Start the cache.

Public Attributes

const SESSION_NAMESPACE = 'p4cms.cache.action'

Protected Member Functions

 _canCompress ()
 Checks if PHP and the active client both support compression.
 _handleEtag ($data, $doNotDie=false)
 This method will take care of sending the passed etag back out to the client.
 _isValidIgnoreKey ($key)
 Ensure the ignore key only contains the characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '_', '-', '.
 _makeDataId ($options)
 This method will generate a data id based on the passed options.
 _makePartialDataId ($param, $allow, $include)
 Generates the data id chunk (or false) for the given paramater.
 _makeUriId ()
 This method will make the URI based ID for the current request.
 _mergeOptions (array $array1, $array2=null)
 Merge options recursively; same approach as the protected method in Zend_Application.
 _removeIgnoredSessionVariables ()
 Will remove the ignored session variables from $_SESSION variables.

Static Protected Member Functions

static _getSession ()
 Return the static session object, initializing if necessary.

Protected Attributes

 $_activeOptions = array()
 When we push something into cache we will merge the default options, action specific options and these active options together.
 $_baseUrl = null
 $_cancel = false
 $_ignoredSessionVariables = null
 $_locale = null
 $_rolenames = null
 This frontend specific options.
 $_username = null

Static Protected Attributes

static $_session = null

Detailed Description

The Action Cache operates in a similar manner to Zend's Page Cache frontend but defines caching rules based on the module/controller/action instead of URI.

Zend's page cache utilizes uri regex matching to determine cachability; this approach isn't compatible with custom URLs. They also don't support things like username, rolename, filtering session variables, on the fly tagging or base url.

Our Action cache allows you to set rules based on the module/controller/action the request ends up being routed to. We store the options used for the cached action under the request URI. These options are then used to make a seperate data id that holds the actual cached page and headers. Using this approach allows the final data url to include things like the active user's rolenames thereby storing, and serving, multiple versions of a given page.

2011-2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved
Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::__construct ( array $  options = array())

Constructor; allows the base options to be set.

array$optionsAssociative array of options
        // merge in any passed options
        while (list($name, $value) = each($options)) {
            $name = strtolower($name);
            switch ($name) {
                case 'actions':
                case 'default_options':
                case 'content_type_memorization':
                    $this->_specificOptions[$name] = $this->_mergeOptions(
                    $this->setOption($name, $value);

        // this has to be on or action cache will break
        $this->setOption('automatic_serialization', true);

Member Function Documentation

P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::_canCompress ( ) [protected]

Checks if PHP and the active client both support compression.

bool true if compression is possible false otherwise
        // can't compress if php lacks gzip support
        if (!function_exists('gzencode')) {
            return false;

        // given php is capable; base decision on client support
        $accept = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] : '';
        return strpos($accept, 'gzip') !== false;
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::_flush ( content)

Callback for output buffering (shouldn't really be called manually) If the current response is for a known action, and our options allow caching this response, pushes a copy into cache for later usage.

string$contentBuffered output
string Data to send to browser
        if ($this->_cancel) {
            return $content;

        $request = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest();

        // though we should always get back a request; be defensive
        if (!$request) {
            return $content;

        $action  = $request->getModuleName() . '/'
                 . $request->getControllerName() . '/'
                 . $request->getActionName();

        // if this action isn't present return
        if (!isset($this->_specificOptions['actions'][$action])) {
            return $content;

        // request was potentially cachable but missed; include a header
        headers_sent() ?: header('X-Page-Cache: Miss');

        // starting with default options, mix in the
        // actions options and any active options
        $options = $this->_specificOptions['default_options'];
        $options = $this->_mergeOptions($options, $this->_specificOptions['actions'][$action]);
        $options = $this->_mergeOptions($options, $this->_activeOptions);

        // if our cache is disabled or we cannot create a data id return
        $dataId = $this->_makeDataId($options);
        if (!$options['cache'] || !$dataId) {
            return $content;

        // gzip content if compression is active and supported.
        // adds the Content-Encoding header to allow decoding.
        if ($options['compress'] && !headers_sent() && $this->_canCompress()) {
            $content = gzencode($content, 9);

            header('Content-Encoding: gzip');
            $this->_specificOptions['memorize_headers'][] = 'Content-Encoding';

        // ensure content type is memorized if requested
        if ($this->_specificOptions['content_type_memorization']) {
            $this->_specificOptions['memorize_headers'][] = 'Content-Type';

        // if we made it this far we have a cache-able response gather the data
        $storedHeaders = array();
        $keepHeaders   = array_map('strtolower', $this->_specificOptions['memorize_headers']);
        $keepHeaders   = array_unique($keepHeaders);
        foreach (headers_list() as $header) {
            $headerParts = explode(':', $header, 2);
            $headerName  = trim(array_shift($headerParts));
            $headerValue = trim(array_shift($headerParts));
            if (in_array(strtolower($headerName), $keepHeaders)) {
                $storedHeaders[] = array($headerName, $headerValue);

        // ensure a copy of the options are stored based on the request URI.

        // store the actual data under the dataId (this is generated based on the options).
        $data = array(
            'content'   => $content,
            'headers'   => $storedHeaders,
            'etag'      => '"' . md5($content . serialize($storedHeaders)) . '"'

        // ensure the etag header is sent and exit at this point if
        // the client included a matching etag in their request

        return $content;
static P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::_getSession ( ) [static, protected]

Return the static session object, initializing if necessary.

        if (!static::$_session instanceof Zend_Session_Namespace) {
            static::$_session = new Zend_Session_Namespace(static::SESSION_NAMESPACE);

        return static::$_session;
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::_handleEtag ( data,
doNotDie = false 
) [protected]

This method will take care of sending the passed etag back out to the client.

It will also send a 304 not modified header and die if the client has included a matching etag in their request.

array$dataan array with 'etag' key
bool$doNotDiefor unit testing; if true we will simply return true instead of die'ing and the caller should then exit.
bool true if etag matched, indicates no response need be sent (by default we die prior to return in this case), false otherwise
        // normalize array input to a string or false if not present
        $etag = isset($data['etag']) ? $data['etag'] : false;

        // if we don't have an etag passed in or headers
        // have been sent we cannot continue
        if (!$etag || headers_sent()) {
            return false;

        // remove the cache-control headers that get set
        // by php session_cache_limiter functionality.

        // ensure the etag is sent back to client.
        header('ETag: ' . $data['etag']);

        // if the browser sent an etag; send back
        // not modified and die if its valid
        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) &&
            $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] == $data['etag']
        ) {
            header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');

            if ($doNotDie) {
                return true;


        return false;
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::_isValidIgnoreKey ( key) [protected]

Ensure the ignore key only contains the characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '_', '-', '.

', '[', ']', ' '

string$keyThe ignore key to validate
bool True if ignore key is valid, false otherwise
        return is_string($key) && preg_match("/^[\w\.\-_\[\] ]+$/", $key);
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::_makeDataId ( options) [protected]

This method will generate a data id based on the passed options.

When we are reading an entry out of cache we first pull its options using the uri id and then use this method to generate a data id based on the uri and options we found.

array$optionsThe action options to use
string|bool The data ID or false if this request shouldn't be cached
        $components = array('Username', 'Rolename', 'Get', 'Post', 'Session', 'Files', 'Cookies', 'Locale');
        $result     = '';
        foreach ($components as $component) {
            $lower = strtolower($component);
            $partialResult = $this->_makePartialDataId(
                isset($options['cache_with_' . $lower])   ? $options['cache_with_' . $lower]   : true,
                isset($options['make_id_with_' . $lower]) ? $options['make_id_with_' . $lower] : false

            if ($partialResult === false) {
                return false;

            $result = $result . $partialResult;

        // if compression is enabled adjust ID to indicate its use
        if ($options['compress']) {
            $result .= $this->_canCompress();

        return 'action_data_' . md5($this->_makeUriId() . $result);
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::_makePartialDataId ( param,
) [protected]

Generates the data id chunk (or false) for the given paramater.

string$paramParamater name
bool$allowIf true, cache is still on even if there are some variables present
bool$includeIf true, we have to use the content of the param to make a partial id
string|false Partial id (string) or false if validation has failed
        $value = null;

        switch ($param) {
            case 'Get':
                $value = $_GET;
            case 'Post':
                $value = $_POST;
            case 'Cookies':
                if (isset($_COOKIE)) {
                    $value = $_COOKIE;
                } else {
                    $value = null;
            case 'Files':
                $value = $_FILES;
            case 'Username':
                $value = $this->getUsername();

                // if the value was important and is unknown, abort caching
                if ((!$allow || $include) && $value === null) {
                    return false;

                // Swap in null for empty strings to maintain normal flow.
                if (!strlen($value)) {
                    $value = null;
            case 'Rolename':
                $value = $this->getRolenames();

                // if the value was important and is unknown, abort caching
                if ((!$allow || $include) && $value === null) {
                    return false;
            case 'Session':
                // If a user has no cookies, they have no session, provide
                // an early exit to avoid starting one needlessly.
                if (!count($_COOKIE)) {

                $value = $this->_removeIgnoredSessionVariables();
            case 'Locale':
                // read out the locale if we don't already have it.
                // we cache the value the first time we encounter it to avoid
                // breaking caching in the unlikely circumstance the answer
                // changes during a cache-miss request.
                $this->_locale = $this->_locale ?: Zend_Locale::findLocale();

                $value = $this->_locale;
                return false;

        if ($allow) {
            if ($include) {
                return serialize($value);
            return '';

        // if we made it here the value isn't allowed
        // fail if anything is present
        if (count($value) > 0) {
            return false;

        return '';
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::_makeUriId ( ) [protected]

This method will make the URI based ID for the current request.

If caching occurs there will also be an instance

string The cache ID to use
        $requestUri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

        // strip the baseurl from the request uri if present
        if ($this->getBaseUrl() && strpos($requestUri, $this->getBaseUrl()) == 0) {
            $requestUri = substr($requestUri, strlen($this->getBaseUrl()));

        return 'action_' . md5($requestUri);
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::_mergeOptions ( array $  array1,
array2 = null 
) [protected]

Merge options recursively; same approach as the protected method in Zend_Application.

array$array1the defaults
mixed$array2over-riding options to merge in
array The merged options
        if (is_array($array2)) {
            foreach ($array2 as $key => $val) {
                if (is_array($array2[$key])) {
                    $array1[$key] = (array_key_exists($key, $array1) && is_array($array1[$key]))
                                  ? $this->_mergeOptions($array1[$key], $array2[$key])
                                  : $array2[$key];
                } else {
                    $array1[$key] = $val;

        return $array1;
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::_removeIgnoredSessionVariables ( ) [protected]

Will remove the ignored session variables from $_SESSION variables.

Further, any empty values will be removed recursively as these are also ignored.

array|null the session variables stripped of ignored/empty values.
        // ensure our session variable is always ignored
        // calling getIgnoredSessionVariables has the side effect
        // of ensuring the session is started; we must do this
        // prior to accessing the $_SESSION super global.
        $ignoredKeys = array_merge(
            $this->getIgnoredSessionVariables() ?: array(),

        $session = $_SESSION ?: array();

        // remove all ignored session keys from the session
        foreach ($ignoredKeys as $key) {

            // 'ignore keys' should be in the form of 'foo' or 'foo[bar][baz]'
            // transform them to look like '[foo]' or '[foo][bar][baz]'
            $key = preg_replace('/([^\[]+)(\[.*)?/', '[\\1]\\2', $key);

            // last stage of the transform, add single quotes around keys
            // changing our "[foo][bar]" style string to "['foo']['bar']"
            $key = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array("['", "']"), $key);

            // attempt to clear the session variable with this key
            eval('unset($session' . $key . ');');

        // use a recursive callback to filter out all empty entries from session
        $recursiveEmpty = function($item) use (&$recursiveEmpty)
            if (is_array($item)) {
                return array_filter($item, $recursiveEmpty);
            if (count($item)) {
                return true;
        $session = array_filter($session, $recursiveEmpty);

        return $session;
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::addIgnoredSessionVariable ( key)

Add a session variable key to the list we will ignore.

The key can be a simple top level key name such as 'foo' or you may utilize unquoted array syntax to specify a child key such as: 'foo[bar]' or 'foo[woozle][wobble]'.

string$keyThe key of the session variable to ignore
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Page To maintain a fluent interface
        $curr = $this->getIgnoredSessionVariables();
        $new  = array($key);
        $new  = array_merge($new, $curr);
            array_merge($this->getIgnoredSessionVariables(), array($key))

        return $this;
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::addTag ( tag)

Add the specified tag to the active options.

string$tagThe tag to add
        return $this->addTags(array($tag));
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::addTags ( array $  tags)

Add the specified tags to the active options.

array$tagsThe tags to add

        // ensure tags option is initialized
        if (!isset($this->_activeOptions['tags'])) {
            $this->_activeOptions['tags'] = array();

        // mix in the new tags ensure we don't have duplicates
        $this->_activeOptions['tags'] = array_unique(
            array_merge($this->_activeOptions['tags'], $tags)

        return $this;
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::cancel ( )

Cancel the current caching process.

        $this->_cancel = true;
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::getBaseUrl ( )

Get the base url set on this instance.

string|null The base URL
        return $this->_baseUrl;
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::getIgnoredSessionVariables ( )

Returns the list of session variable keys which will be ignored.

The list is itself stored in the session under our SESSION_NAMESPACE value. The SESSION_NAMESPACE is always ignored though it will not be returned by this accessor unless manually added to the ignored keys.

array The list of session variable keys we will ignore
        if ($this->_ignoredSessionVariables === null) {
            $this->_ignoredSessionVariables = static::_getSession()->ignoredSessionVariables ?: array();

        return $this->_ignoredSessionVariables;
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::getRolenames ( )

Get the rolenames set on this instance.

array|null The role names
        return $this->_rolenames;
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::getTags ( )

Get the current list of tags.

array Array of tags
        return isset($this->_activeOptions['tags']) ? $this->_activeOptions['tags'] : array();
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::getUsername ( )

Get the username set on this instance.

string|null The username
        return $this->_username;
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::setBaseUrl ( baseUrl)

Set a base url on this instance.

string | null$baseUrlThe base url to use
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Page To maintain a fluent interface
        if (!is_string($baseUrl) && !is_null($baseUrl)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Base URL must be a string or null');

        $this->_baseUrl = $baseUrl;

        return $this;
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::setIgnoredSessionVariables ( array $  keys)

Cause the list of ignored session variable keys to contain only the passed keys.

See addIgnoredSessionVariable for details on the individual key format.

array$keysAn array of strings representing session variable keys to ignore
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Page To maintain a fluent interface
        foreach ($keys as $key) {
            if (!$this->_isValidIgnoreKey($key)) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                    "Ignored session variable keys can only contain "
                    . "a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '_', '-', '.', '[', ']' and ' '."

        // filter for unique values and re-index array.
        $this->_ignoredSessionVariables = array_values(array_unique($keys));

        static::_getSession()->ignoredSessionVariables = $this->_ignoredSessionVariables;

        return $this;
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::setRolenames ( rolenames)

Set rolenames on this instance.

array | null$rolenamesThe rolenames to use
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Page To maintain a fluent interface
        if ((!is_array($rolenames) && !is_null($rolenames))
            (is_array($rolenames) && in_array(false, array_map('is_string', $rolenames)))
        ) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Role names must be an array of strings or null');

        $this->_rolenames = $rolenames;

        return $this;
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::setUsername ( username)

Set a username on this instance.

string | null$usernameThe username to use
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Page To maintain a fluent interface
        if (!is_string($username) && !is_null($username)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Username must be a string or null.');

        $this->_username = $username;

        return $this;
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::start ( doNotLoad = false,
doNotDie = false 

Start the cache.

If a cached entry is present for the current request it will be served out and execution halted (unless do not die is passed). If no suitable cached entry can be found the output buffer is setup so we can attemp to capture a copy of the request at completion.

bool$doNotLoadSkip reading from cache, but still try to write.
bool$doNotDieFor unit testing only!
bool True if the cache is hit (false else)
        $this->_cancel = false;

        // attempt to read out the stored action options using the URI
        $options = $doNotLoad ? false : $this->load($this->_makeUriId());

        // if we could retreive the options; try and read the actual data out
        $dataId  = $options ? $this->_makeDataId($options) : false;
        $data    = ($options && $dataId) ? $this->load($dataId) : false;

        // if we can read the cached options and data out; serve it
        if ($data) {
            $content = $data['content'];
            $headers = $data['headers'];
            if (!headers_sent()) {
                // output that this was a cache hit
                header('X-Page-Cache: Hit');

                // if client included an etag and we have a match the client
                // already has a copy of the content so we exit early.
                // otherwise sends the etag to assist in future requests.
                if ($this->_handleEtag($data, $doNotDie)) {
                    return true;

                // send any cached headers
                foreach ($headers as $key => $headerCouple) {
                    $name  = $headerCouple[0];
                    $value = $headerCouple[1];
                    header("$name: $value");

            echo $content;

            if ($doNotDie) {
                return true;


        // if we made it this far there was no cache hit.
        // connect the output buffer so we can attempt to store
        // the response at completion.
        ob_start(array($this, '_flush'));

        return false;

Member Data Documentation

array P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::$_activeOptions = array() [protected]

When we push something into cache we will merge the default options, action specific options and these active options together.

Add items, such as tags, to the activeOptions during execution so they can take affect when storing the final result or testing for validity.

P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::$_baseUrl = null [protected]
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::$_cancel = false [protected]
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::$_ignoredSessionVariables = null [protected]
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::$_locale = null [protected]
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::$_rolenames = null [protected]
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::$_session = null [static, protected]
array P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::$_specificOptions [protected]
Initial value:
        'content_type_memorization' => true,
        'memorize_headers'          => array(),
        'actions'                   => array(),
        'default_options'           => array(
            'cache_with_get'        => false,
            'cache_with_post'       => false,
            'cache_with_session'    => false,
            'cache_with_files'      => false,
            'cache_with_cookies'    => true,
            'cache_with_username'   => false,
            'cache_with_rolename'   => true,
            'cache_with_locale'     => true,
            'make_id_with_get'      => true,
            'make_id_with_post'     => true,
            'make_id_with_session'  => true,
            'make_id_with_files'    => true,
            'make_id_with_cookies'  => false,
            'make_id_with_username' => false,
            'make_id_with_rolename' => true,
            'make_id_with_locale'   => true,
            'compress'              => true,
            'cache'                 => true,
            'specific_lifetime'     => false,
            'tags'                  => array(),
            'priority'              => null

This frontend specific options.

====> (boolean) content_type_memorization :

  • pass true to memorize the value of the Content-Type header and replay it when cache is hit. Defaults to true.

====> (array) memorize_headers :

  • an array of strings corresponding to some HTTP headers name. Listed headers will be stored with cache datas and "replayed" when the cache is hit

====> (array) default_options :

  • an associative array of default options :
    • (boolean) cache : cache is on by default if true
    • (boolean) compress : if server and client support, conten will be gzip'ed. if the served page utilizes the css or js aggregators it is critical this be enabled.
    • (boolean) cache_with_XXX (XXXX = 'get', 'post', 'session', etc) : if true, cache is still on even if the item has value(s) if false, cache is off if the item has value(s)
    • (boolean) make_id_with_XXX (XXXX = 'get', 'post', 'session', etc) : if true, we have to use the value(s) of the specified item to make cache validator if false, the cache validator won't be dependent of the value(s) of the specified item
    • (int) specific_lifetime : cache specific lifetime (false => global lifetime is used, null => infinite lifetime, integer => this lifetime is used), this "lifetime" is probably only usefull when used with "actions" array
    • (array) tags : array of tags (strings)
    • (int) priority : integer between 0 (very low priority) and 10 (maximum priority) used by some particular backends

====> (array) actions :

  • an associative array to set options only for some actions
  • keys are <module>/<controller>/<action> in route format (e.g. module/foo-bar/action)
  • values are associative array with specific options to set if the action matches (see default_options for the list of available options)
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::$_username = null [protected]
const P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::SESSION_NAMESPACE = 'p4cms.cache.action'

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: