Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation

P4Cms_Content_LuceneDocument Class Reference

P4Cms Content Lucene Document. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __construct (P4Cms_Content $content)
 Make a new lucene document instance for the given content entry.
 getContentEntry ()
 Get the content entry associated with the Lucene document.

Protected Member Functions

 _detectEncoding ($data)
 Detect the encoding of a string.
 _getContentFields ()
 Collect all of the fields for the content entry with information about the field and the value pulled from the content entry.
 _getIndexFilters ($name, $data)
 Get the filters to apply to the given field value before it is indexed.
 _getLuceneFieldType ($name, $data)
 Determine the correct lucene field type to use for the given content field definition/value.
 _isIndexDisabled ($name, $data)
 Determine if a given field should not be indexed.
 _loadFields ()
 Convert the content fields into lucene document fields.
 _mergeFields ($a, $b)
 Merge two sets of fields.
 _prepareFieldValue ($name, $data)
 Prepare a field value for indexing by applying filters to it.
 _toLuceneField ($name, $data)
 Convert from a field definition/value to a lucene document field.

Protected Attributes

 $_content = null

Detailed Description

P4Cms Content Lucene Document.

  • Allows a Zend Search Lucene document to be created from a content entry.
  • Determines if a P4Cms Content field should be indexed.
  • Specifies how a Content field should be indexed.
2011-2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved
Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

P4Cms_Content_LuceneDocument::__construct ( P4Cms_Content content)

Make a new lucene document instance for the given content entry.

P4Cms_Content$contentthe content entry to make a lucene document for.
        $this->_content = $content;

        // setup the lucene document fields.

Member Function Documentation

P4Cms_Content_LuceneDocument::_detectEncoding ( data) [protected]

Detect the encoding of a string.

string$datathe data to be checked.
string the encoding or false if cannot be detected.
        if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
            $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($data['value']);
        } else {
            $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME);

            // get mime type and encoding for the file
            $mime = finfo_file($finfo, $data['tempFile']);
            preg_match('/^(.*)\/(.*); charset=(.*)$/', $mime, $matches);

            $encoding = isset($matches[3]) ? trim($matches[3]) : false;

        return $encoding;
P4Cms_Content_LuceneDocument::_getContentFields ( ) [protected]

Collect all of the fields for the content entry with information about the field and the value pulled from the content entry.

array the list of all content fields and their details/values.
        $entry = $this->getContentEntry();
        $type  = $this->getContentEntry()->getContentType();

        // start with default/built-in/required fields.
        $fields = array(
            'uri'           => array(
                'value'     => $entry->getUri(),
                'search'    => array('index'    => array('type' => 'keyword'))
            'title'         => array(
                'value'     => $entry->getTitle(),
                'search'    => array('index'    => array('type' => 'text'))
            'excerpt'       => array(
                'value'     => $entry->getExcerpt(),
                'search'    => array('index'    => array('type' => 'unindexed'))
            'contentId'     => array(
                'value'     => $entry->getId(),
                'search'    => array('index'    => array('type' => 'unindexed')),
                'metadata'  => array('mimeType' => 'text/plain')
            'contentType'   => array(
                'value'     => $entry->getContentTypeId(),
                'search'    => array('index'    => array('type' => 'unindexed')),
                'metadata'  => array('mimeType' => 'text/plain')
            'resource'      => array(
                'value'     => 'content',
                'search'    => array('index'    => array('type' => 'unindexed'))
            'privilege'     => array(
                'value'     => 'access',
                'search'    => array('index'    => array('type' => 'unindexed'))

        // add the fields from content type.
        $fields = $this->_mergeFields($fields, $type->getElements());

        // add in values and metadata from the content entry.
        foreach ($entry->getValues() as $field => $value) {
            if (array_key_exists($field, $fields)) {
                $fields[$field]['value']    = $value;
                $fields[$field]['metadata'] = $entry->getFieldMetadata($field);

            // add filename if it does not exist already
            if (isset($fields[$field]['metadata']['filename']) && !array_key_exists('filename', $fields)) {
                $fields['filename']['value']  = $fields[$field]['metadata']['filename'];
                $fields['filename']['search'] = array('index' => array('type' => 'unstored'));

        return $fields;
P4Cms_Content_LuceneDocument::_getIndexFilters ( name,
) [protected]

Get the filters to apply to the given field value before it is indexed.

The filters to use can be specified in the content type field definition.

string$namethe name of the field to be indexed.
array$datathe details and value of the field.
array the set of filters to apply to the field value.
        // early exit if the field definition does not specify filters.
        if (!isset($data['search']['index']['filters'])) {
            return array();

        $options = array('fieldName' => $name, 'fieldData' => $data);
        $filters = $data['search']['index']['filters'];

        // add field name and data to filter options.
        /*foreach ($filters as $filter) {
            $filter['options'] = isset($filter['options'])
                ? array_merge($options, $filter['options'])
                : $options;

        // use a form with a dummy element to leverage filter plugin loading.
        $form = new P4Cms_Form;
        $form->addElement('text', 'dummy', array('filters' => $filters));
        return $form->getElement('dummy')->getFilters();
P4Cms_Content_LuceneDocument::_getLuceneFieldType ( name,
) [protected]

Determine the correct lucene field type to use for the given content field definition/value.

Checks for explicit index type in field data - defaults to 'unstored'.

string$namethe name of the field to convert.
array$datathe details and value of the field.
string the type of lucene field to use: keyword - [ ] tokenized [x] indexed [x] stored unindexed - [ ] tokenized [ ] indexed [x] stored binary - [ ] tokenized [ ] indexed [x] stored text - [x] tokenized [x] indexed [x] stored unstored - [x] tokenized [x] indexed [ ] stored
        $types = array('keyword', 'unindexed', 'binary', 'text', 'unstored');

        // if the field definition specifies a valid type, use it.
        if (isset($data['search']['index']['type'])
            && in_array($data['search']['index']['type'], $types)
        ) {
            return $data['search']['index']['type'];

        return 'unstored';
P4Cms_Content_LuceneDocument::_isIndexDisabled ( name,
) [protected]

Determine if a given field should not be indexed.

string$namethe name of the field to be indexed.
array$datathe details and value of the field.
bool true if we should not index this field; false otherwise.
        return isset($data['search']['index']['disabled'])
            && $data['search']['index']['disabled'];
P4Cms_Content_LuceneDocument::_loadFields ( ) [protected]

Convert the content fields into lucene document fields.

        // convert field into lucene document field.
        foreach ($this->_getContentFields() as $name => $data) {

            // skip fields that should not be indexed.
            if ($this->_isIndexDisabled($name, $data)) {

            // convert and add field to document.
            $field = $this->_toLuceneField($name, $data);
            if ($field instanceof Zend_Search_Lucene_Field) {
P4Cms_Content_LuceneDocument::_mergeFields ( a,
) [protected]

Merge two sets of fields.

Options in the base fields will be replaced by the ones from append fields and the default settings in the base will be kept if none is set in the appending fields.

This works like array_merge_recursive but instead of making values with the same key an array, the value in the first array is replaced.

array$athe base fields.
array$bthe append fields.
array the merged fields.
        if (!is_array($a)) {
            $a = empty($a) ? array() : array($a);

        if (!is_array($b)) {
            $b = array($b);

        foreach ($b as $key => $value) {
            if (!array_key_exists($key, $a) and !is_numeric($key)) {
                $a[$key] = $b[$key];

            if (is_array($value) or is_array($a[$key])) {
                $a[$key] = $this->_mergeFields($a[$key], $b[$key]);
            } else if (is_numeric($key)) {
                if (!in_array($value, $a)) {
                    $a[] = $value;
            } else {
                $a[$key] = $value;

        return $a;
P4Cms_Content_LuceneDocument::_prepareFieldValue ( name,
) [protected]

Prepare a field value for indexing by applying filters to it.

string$namethe name of the field to be indexed.
array$datathe details and value of the field.
string $value the prepared value.
P4Cms_Content_Exceptionif the value cannot be prepared.
        $filters = $this->_getIndexFilters($name, $data);

        // filters are required for non-text values.
        if (empty($filters) && strpos($data['mimeType'], 'text/') !== 0) {
            throw new P4Cms_Content_Exception(
                "Cannot prepare non-plain-text value without filters."

        // apply filters to value and return result.
        $value = $data['value'];
        foreach ($filters as $filter) {
            $value = $filter->filter($value);

        return $value;
P4Cms_Content_LuceneDocument::_toLuceneField ( name,
) [protected]

Convert from a field definition/value to a lucene document field.

string$namethe name of the field to convert.
array$datathe details and value of the field.
Zend_Search_Lucene_Field|null lucene document field object or null if we can't create one.
        // presently we can't do anything reasonable with arrays/objects/etc.
        // in the meantime, we just defend against these data types.
        if (!array_key_exists('value', $data) || !is_scalar($data['value'])) {
            return null;

        // write value to a temp file.
        $tempFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), $name);
        file_put_contents($tempFile, $data['value']);

        // detect mime-type and encoding.
        $data['tempFile'] = $tempFile;
        $encoding         = $this->_detectEncoding($data);
        $data['encoding'] = $encoding ?: 'utf8'; // default to utf8
        $data['mimeType'] = isset($data['metadata']['mimeType'])
            ? $data['metadata']['mimeType']
            : P4Cms_Validate_File_MimeType::getTypeOfFile($tempFile);

        // determine lucene field type.
        $type = $this->_getLuceneFieldType($name, $data);

        // attempt to filter/prepare the value and
        // create lucene field of appropriate type.
        try {
            $value = $this->_prepareFieldValue($name, $data);
            $field = Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::$type(
        } catch (P4Cms_Content_Exception $e) {
            $field = null;

        // clean-up temp.

        return $field;
P4Cms_Content_LuceneDocument::getContentEntry ( )

Get the content entry associated with the Lucene document.

P4Cms_Content the content entry this lucene document represents.
        return $this->_content;

Member Data Documentation

P4Cms_Content_LuceneDocument::$_content = null [protected]

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