Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation

P4Cms_View_Helper_FormNestedCheckbox Class Reference

Derivative of zend form multi checkbox view helper. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 formCheckbox ($name, $value=null, $attribs=null, $options=null)
 Modified version of parent's formRadio to support:

  • read-only checkboxes
  • supports element specific 'class' options
  • id is an md5 of the value for values over 32 characters.

 formNestedCheckbox ($name, $values=null, $attribs=null, $options=null, $depth=0)
 Generates a set of nested checkbox button elements.

Detailed Description

Derivative of zend form multi checkbox view helper.

This version leverages the multi checkbox to do the actual input rendering but adds on nesting via UL's.

2011-2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved
Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.

Member Function Documentation

P4Cms_View_Helper_FormNestedCheckbox::formCheckbox ( name,
value = null,
attribs = null,
options = null 

Modified version of parent's formRadio to support:

  • read-only checkboxes
  • supports element specific 'class' options
  • id is an md5 of the value for values over 32 characters.

string | array$nameIf a string, the element name. If an array, all other parameters are ignored, and the array elements are extracted in place of added parameters.
mixed$valueThe checkbox value to mark as 'checked'.
array | string$attribsAttributes added to each checkbox.
array$optionsAn array of key-value pairs where the array key is the checkbox value, and the array value is the checkbox text.
string The checkbox XHTML.

        $info = $this->_getInfo($name, $value, $attribs, $options);
        extract($info); // name, value, attribs, options, disable

        // also pull out css class details
        $class = isset($attribs['class']) ? $attribs['class'] : null;

        // retrieve attributes for labels (prefixed with 'label_' or 'label')
        $labelAttribs = array();
        foreach ($attribs as $key => $val) {
            $tmp    = false;
            $keyLen = strlen($key);
            if ((6 < $keyLen) && (substr($key, 0, 6) == 'label_')) {
                $tmp = substr($key, 6);
            } elseif ((5 < $keyLen) && (substr($key, 0, 5) == 'label')) {
                $tmp = substr($key, 5);

            if ($tmp) {
                // make sure first char is lowercase
                $tmp[0] = strtolower($tmp[0]);
                $labelAttribs[$tmp] = $val;

        $labelPlacement = 'append';
        foreach ($labelAttribs as $key => $val) {
            switch (strtolower($key)) {
                case 'placement':
                    $val = strtolower($val);
                    if (in_array($val, array('prepend', 'append'))) {
                        $labelPlacement = $val;

        // the checkbox values and labels
        $options = (array) $options;

        // build the element
        $xhtml = '';
        $list  = array();

        // should the name affect an array collection?
        $name = $this->view->escape($name);
        if ($this->_isArray && ('[]' != substr($name, -2))) {
            $name .= '[]';

        // ensure value is an array to allow matching multiple times
        $value = (array) $value;

        // XHTML or HTML end tag?
        $endTag = ' />';
        if (($this->view instanceof Zend_View_Abstract) && !$this->view->doctype()->isXhtml()) {
            $endTag= '>';

        // Set up the filter - Alnum + hyphen + underscore
        require_once 'Zend/Filter/PregReplace.php';
        $pattern = @preg_match('/\pL/u', 'a')
            ? '/[^\p{L}\p{N}\-\_]/u'    // Unicode
            : '/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]/';     // No Unicode
        $filter = new Zend_Filter_PregReplace($pattern, "");

        // normalize read-only option to an array.
        $readOnly = isset($attribs['readOnly']) && is_array($attribs['readOnly'])
            ? $attribs['readOnly']
            : array();

        // add checkboxes to the list.
        foreach ($options as $optValue => $optLabel) {

            // Should the label be escaped?
            if ($escape) {
                $optLabel = $this->view->escape($optLabel);

            // if class value is an array pull out our elements entry
            $optClass = $class;
            if (is_array($class)) {
                $optClass = isset($class[$optValue]) ? $class[$optValue] : null;
            $labelAttribs['class'] = $attribs['class'] = $optClass;

            // is it disabled?
            $disabled = '';
            if (true === $disable) {
                $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
            } elseif (is_array($disable) && in_array($optValue, $disable)) {
                $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';

            // is it checked?
            $checked = '';
            if (in_array($optValue, $value)) {
                $checked = ' checked="checked"';

            // is it read-only?
            // if so, render a hidden input so the value gets submitted,
            // but set the main input to be disabled so it looks right.
            $hiddenInput = '';
            if (in_array($optValue, $readOnly)) {
                $disabled    = ' disabled="disabled"';
                $hiddenInput = '<input type="' . $this->_inputType . '"'
                             . ' style="display: none;"'
                             . ' name="' . $name . '"'
                             . ' value="' . $this->view->escape($optValue) . '"'
                             . $checked
                             . $endTag;

                // clear the value so it is only output once.
                $optValue   = null;

            // generate ID
            $optId = $id . '-' . (strlen($optValue) <= 32
                ? $filter->filter($optValue)
                : md5($optValue));

            // Wrap the checkboxes in labels
            $checkbox = '<label'
                      . $this->_htmlAttribs($labelAttribs) . ' for="' . $optId . '">'
                      . $hiddenInput
                      . (('prepend' == $labelPlacement) ? $optLabel : '')
                      . '<input type="' . $this->_inputType . '"'
                      . ' name="' . $name . '"'
                      . ' id="' . $optId . '"'
                      . ' value="' . $this->view->escape($optValue) . '"'
                      . $checked
                      . $disabled
                      . $this->_htmlAttribs($attribs)
                      . $endTag
                      . (('append' == $labelPlacement) ? $optLabel : '')
                      . '</label>';

            // Wrap the checkbox in an li
            $checkbox = '<li' . $this->_htmlAttribs(array('class' => $optClass)) . '>'
                      . $checkbox
                      . '</li>';

            // add to the array of checkboxes
            $list[] = $checkbox;

        // done!
        $xhtml .= implode("\n", $list);

        return $xhtml;
P4Cms_View_Helper_FormNestedCheckbox::formNestedCheckbox ( name,
values = null,
attribs = null,
options = null,
depth = 0 

Generates a set of nested checkbox button elements.

string | array$nameIf a string, the element name. If an array, all other parameters are ignored, and the array elements are extracted in place of added parameters.
mixed$valuesThe checkbox value(s) to mark as 'checked'.
array$attribsOptional HTML attributes for checkbox
array$optionsA multidimensional array of key-value pairs where the array key is the checkbox value, and the array value is the checkbox text. For nesting entries, the key is ignored and the value is an array of further entries and/or nesting levels.
int$depthoptional - how far we've recursed.
string The checkbox XHTML.
        // if set (and it appears to happen) attribs listsep will over-ride our passed
        // value. Eliminate the possibility.

        $classes    = !$depth ? "nested-checkbox" : "";
        $classes   .= !$depth && empty($options) ? " empty-checkbox" : "";
        $html       = "<ul" . ($classes ? " class=\"" . $classes . "\"" : "") . ">\n";
        $entries    = array();

        foreach ($options ?: array() as $checkboxValue => $value) {
            // recurse if the entries value is itself an array
            if (is_array($value)) {
                // first output any entries we have collected at the current level and clear cache
                if (!empty($entries)) {
                   $html .= $this->formCheckbox($name, $values, $attribs, $entries);
                $entries = array();

                // handle the new nesting level
                $html .= $this->formNestedCheckbox($name, $values, $attribs, $value, $depth + 1);


            // cache out this entry, it will be output pre-recursion or at the end
            $entries[$checkboxValue] = $value;

        // output any left-over entries that weren't caught by recursion
        if (!empty($entries)) {
            $html .= $this->formCheckbox($name, $values, $attribs, $entries);

        // if there are no entries, output empty text if set.
        if (!$depth && empty($options) && isset($attribs['emptyText'])) {
            $html .= "<li>" . $this->view->escape($attribs['emptyText']) . "</li>";

        $html .= "</ul>";

        return $html;

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