Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation

Search_Module Class Reference

Integrates the search module with the rest of the application. More...

Inheritance diagram for Search_Module:

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static clearSearchInstances ()
 Destroy the static search instance references.
static factory ($indexName=null)
 Create a lucene search instance for a given site's index folder name.
static find ($query)
 Get matching results for the given search string.
static getMaxBufferedDocs ()
 Get the maximum number of documents buffered in memory at one time.
static getMaxMergeDocs ()
 Get the maximum number of documents merged into an index segment by auto-optimization.
static getMergeFactor ()
 Get the Merge Factor.
static getOption ($option)
 Get the Module config option.
static hasSearchInstance ($indexName=null)
 Check if there exists a static search instance reference under the given index folder name.
static load ()
 Subscribe to search index topic.
static prepareDocument ($document)
 Attempts to normalize the given 'document' into a lucene document object.
static stringToQuery ($search)
 Produce a lucene query object for a given search string.

Public Attributes

const ACTIVE_INDEX_PATH = 'search-index'
const MAX_DEPTH = 10
const MAX_RESULTS = 10000
const NEW_DOCUMENT_COUNT_FILE = 'search-newly-added-document.count'

Static Protected Member Functions

static _enhanceQuery ($query, $depth=0)
 Enhance a user provided search query to fix common problems.
static _fixMultiWordTokens (Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryToken $token, Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryToken $prevToken=null, Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryToken $nextToken=null)
 Work-around poor handling of multiple-word terms.
static _getQueryParserError (Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParserException $e)
 Parse a QueryParserException error message to get error code and the position for errors that we want to handle.
static _getSearchIndex ($index)
 Get a Zend_Search_Lucene instance.
static _makeWordTokensWild (Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryToken $token, Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryToken $prevToken=null, Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryToken $nextToken=null)
 If user searches for 'foo' we want it to match 'foobar'.

Static Protected Attributes

static $_searchInstances = array()

Detailed Description

Integrates the search module with the rest of the application.

2011-2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved
Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.

Member Function Documentation

static Search_Module::_enhanceQuery ( query,
depth = 0 
) [static, protected]

Enhance a user provided search query to fix common problems.

string$querythe query string to enhance.
integer$depththe recursive depth
string the enhanced query string.
        // increase the depth

        // use Zend's lexer for proper parsing of search queries.
        $lexer = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryLexer;

        // catch syntax errors known to us and try to help
        try {
            $tokens = $lexer->tokenize($query, 'UTF-8');
        } catch (Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParserException $e) {
            // re-throw exception if it's too deep
            if ($depth >= self::MAX_DEPTH) {
                throw $e;

            $error = static::_getQueryParserError($e);

            // if we don't know the error, throw it
            if (empty($error)) {
                throw $e;

            switch ($error['code']) {
                case self::ERROR_TWO_CHARS_LEXEME:
                    $query = substr($query, 0, $error['position'] - 1)
                           . str_repeat($query[$error['position'] - 1], 2)
                           . substr($query, $error['position']);

                    return static::_enhanceQuery($query, $depth);

                case self::ERROR_LEXEME_MODIFIER:
                    $query = substr($query, 0, $error['position'] - 1)
                           . ' '
                           . substr($query, $error['position']);

                    return static::_enhanceQuery($query, $depth);

                    throw $e;  // re-throw any unknow queryparser exceptions

        // look at each token.
        $newQuery = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($tokens); $i++) {

            $token     = $tokens[$i];
            $prevToken = isset($tokens[$i-1]) ? $tokens[$i-1] : null;
            $nextToken = isset($tokens[$i+1]) ? $tokens[$i+1] : null;

            // extract portion of query associated with this token.
            $start        = $prevToken ? $prevToken->position : 0;
            $length       = $token->position - $start;
            $token->query = substr($query, $start, $length);

            // make word tokens wild by default.
            static::_makeWordTokensWild($token, $prevToken, $nextToken);

            // fix problems with multi-word tokens.
            static::_fixMultiWordTokens($token, $prevToken, $nextToken);

            $newQuery .= $token->query;

        return $newQuery;
static Search_Module::_fixMultiWordTokens ( Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryToken $  token,
Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryToken $  prevToken = null,
Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryToken $  nextToken = null 
) [static, protected]

Work-around poor handling of multiple-word terms.

Multi-word terms such as foo-bar and joe's are treated as individual words which causes them to match more documents than the user likely wants. Additionally, they are incompatible with wildcards and fuzzy searches.

Quoting multi-word search terms avoids these problems and seems to be the least offensive thing to do to the user's query.

Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryToken$tokenthe token to examine for repair.
Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryToken$prevTokenoptional - the previous token if there is one.
Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryToken$nextTokenoptional - the next token if there is one.
        // only examine word tokens.
        if ($token->type !== Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryToken::TT_WORD) {

        // count sub-tokens after removing wildcards.
        $text  = preg_replace('/[\*\?]/', '', $token->text);
        $count = count(Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer::getDefault()->tokenize($text));

        // if there are multiple parts to this word, quote it.
        if ($count > 1) {
            $token->query = '"' . $token->query . '"';
static Search_Module::_getQueryParserError ( Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParserException $  e) [static, protected]

Parse a QueryParserException error message to get error code and the position for errors that we want to handle.

Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParserException$ethe exception
array the error code and position in the following format: array('code' => 1, 'position' => 2) array is empty if we don't know the error.
        $error = array();

        $message = $e->getMessage();

        // Two chars lexeme -- '&&', '||' -- error
        $twoCharsPattern = '/Two chars lexeme expected. Position is ([0-9]+)./';

        // Lexeme modifier char error -- '~' and '^'
        $modifierPattern = '/Lexeme modifier character can be followed'
                         . ' only by number, white space or query syntax'
                         . ' element. Position is ([0-9]+)./';

        // for two chars operators, we correct it
        if (preg_match($twoCharsPattern, $message, $matches)) {
            $error['code']     = self::ERROR_TWO_CHARS_LEXEME;
            $error['position'] = $matches[1];

        } else if (preg_match($modifierPattern, $message, $matches)) {
            $error['code']     = self::ERROR_LEXEME_MODIFIER;
            $error['position'] = $matches[1];

        return $error;
static Search_Module::_getSearchIndex ( index) [static, protected]

Get a Zend_Search_Lucene instance.

It opens the search index if the index exists. Otherwise, it will create a new one.

string$indexthe name of the search index (also the folder name).
Zend_Search_Lucene_Interface a search instance
        // if $index is not a string or it's an empty string
        // we cannot get search index
        if (!is_string($index) || (strlen($index) == 0) ) {
            throw new Zend_Search_Exception(
                'Require a directory to fetch a Search index.'

        // give R/W only for current user and group

        // set a limit on the size of a result set and set the minimum
        // characters allowed before a wildcard in a query to helps avoid
        // performance problems resulting from too queries that are too broad

        // use 'UTF8num' analyzer so words with numbers embedded will
        // be treated as a single token (otherwise considered multi-word).
            new P4Cms_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_Utf8Num_CaseInsensitive

        // make space imply AND instead of OR.

        $indexFile = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getDataPath() . '/' . $index;

        if (file_exists($indexFile)) {
            $searchInstance = Zend_Search_Lucene::open($indexFile);
        } else {
            $searchInstance = Zend_Search_Lucene::create($indexFile);

        // apply performance tunables if they exist
        $maxBufferedDocs = Search_Module::getMaxBufferedDocs();

        $maxMergeDocs    = Search_Module::getMaxMergeDocs();

        $mergeFactor     = Search_Module::getMergeFactor();

        return $searchInstance;
static Search_Module::_makeWordTokensWild ( Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryToken $  token,
Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryToken $  prevToken = null,
Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryToken $  nextToken = null 
) [static, protected]

If user searches for 'foo' we want it to match 'foobar'.

This will only happen if we append a wildcard, so we do this automatically for the user.

Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryToken$tokenthe token to examine.
Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryToken$prevTokenoptional - the previous token if there is one.
Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryToken$nextTokenoptional - the next token if there is one.
        // only examine word tokens.
        if ($token->type !== Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryToken::TT_WORD) {

        // if token query length is long enough, append a wildcard.
        if (strlen($token->query) >= static::MIN_PREFIX_LENGTH) {
            $token->query = rtrim($token->query, '*') . "*";
static Search_Module::clearSearchInstances ( ) [static]

Destroy the static search instance references.

Intended primarly for testing.

        foreach (static::$_searchInstances as $index) {
            if ($index instanceof Zend_Search_Lucene_Interface) {

        static::$_searchInstances = array();
static Search_Module::factory ( indexName = null) [static]

Create a lucene search instance for a given site's index folder name.

string$indexNamethe index folder name
Zend_Search_Lucene_Interface search instance for the site index.
        if (!$indexName) {
            $indexName = self::ACTIVE_INDEX_PATH;

        // If we don't already have the search index set up, create one
        if (!array_key_exists($indexName, static::$_searchInstances)) {
            static::$_searchInstances[$indexName] = static::_getSearchIndex($indexName);

        return static::$_searchInstances[$indexName];
static Search_Module::find ( query) [static]

Get matching results for the given search string.

string$querya user provided search string.
array an array of Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryHit objects.
        $index = Search_Module::factory();
        $query = Search_Module::stringToQuery($query);

        return $index->find($query);
static Search_Module::getMaxBufferedDocs ( ) [static]

Get the maximum number of documents buffered in memory at one time.

string The maximum number of documents
        return Search_Module::getOption('maxBufferedDocs')
            ? Search_Module::getOption('maxBufferedDocs')
            : self::DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFERED_DOCS;
static Search_Module::getMaxMergeDocs ( ) [static]

Get the maximum number of documents merged into an index segment by auto-optimization.

string the maximum number of merge documents
        return Search_Module::getOption('maxMergeDocs')
            ? Search_Module::getOption('maxMergeDocs')
            : PHP_INT_MAX;
static Search_Module::getMergeFactor ( ) [static]

Get the Merge Factor.

string the merge factor.
        return Search_Module::getOption('mergeFactor')
            ? Search_Module::getOption('mergeFactor')
            : self::DEFAULT_MERGE_FACTOR;
static Search_Module::getOption ( option) [static]

Get the Module config option.

string$optionthe name of the config option
mixed the value of the option, null, if the option does not exist
        $config = self::getConfig();

        if ($config instanceof Zend_Config) {
            $config = $config->toArray();

        if (isset($config[$option])) {
            return $config[$option];

        return null;
static Search_Module::hasSearchInstance ( indexName = null) [static]

Check if there exists a static search instance reference under the given index folder name.

string$indexNamethe name of the search index folder
boolean true, if the search instance exists false, otherwise
        $exists = false;

        if (!$indexName) {
            $indexName = self::ACTIVE_INDEX_PATH;

        if (isset(static::$_searchInstances[$indexName])) {
           $exists = static::$_searchInstances[$indexName] instanceof Zend_Search_Lucene_Interface;

        return $exists;
static Search_Module::load ( ) [static]

Subscribe to search index topic.

listen for documents to be updated in the index. Perform operations when an entry is deleted from the search-index. Note: Updates to existing entries are accomplished via delete/add. Zend_Search_Lucene_Document|P4Cms_Content $document The entry being deleted. Perform operations when an entry is added to the search index. Note: Updates to existing entries are accomplished via delete/add. Zend_Search_Lucene_Document|P4Cms_Content $document The entry being added.

Reimplemented from P4Cms_Module_Integration.

        // listen for documents to be indexed.
                // if we don't have a lucene doc, bail out.
                if (!$document = Search_Module::prepareDocument($document)) {

                // add the document

        // listen for documents to be removed from index.
                // if we don't have a lucene doc, bail out.
                if (!$document = Search_Module::prepareDocument($document)) {

                // remove documents with matching key fields.
                $index     = Search_Module::factory();
                $keyFields = array('uri', 'contentId');
                foreach ($keyFields as $keyField) {
                    if (in_array($keyField, $document->getFieldNames())) {

                        // search for existing documents with matching key field.
                        $term = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_Term(

                        // remove matches.
                        foreach ($index->termDocs($term) as $id) {

         * listen for documents to be updated in the index.
         * @publishes
         *              Perform operations when an entry is deleted from the search-index.
         *              Note: Updates to existing entries are accomplished via delete/add.
         *              Zend_Search_Lucene_Document|P4Cms_Content   $document   The entry being
         *                                                                      deleted.
         * @publishes
         *              Perform operations when an entry is added to the search index.
         *              Note: Updates to existing entries are accomplished via delete/add.
         *              Zend_Search_Lucene_Document|P4Cms_Content   $document   The entry being
         *                                                                      added.
                // if we don't have a lucene doc, bail out.
                if (!$document = Search_Module::prepareDocument($document)) {

                // lucene does not have a 'update' function, so
                // we publish to the delete and add topics instead.
                P4Cms_PubSub::publish('', $document);
                P4Cms_PubSub::publish('',    $document);

        // steal content's search form to use lucene
            function(Zend_Form $form)
                $search = $form->getSubForm('search');
                if (!$search) {

                $form->addSubForm($search, 'lucene');

        // filter content list by keyword search.
            function(P4Cms_Record_Query $query, Zend_Form $form)
                $values = $form->getValues();

                // extract search query.
                $searchQuery = isset($values['lucene']['query'])
                    ? $values['lucene']['query']
                    : null;

                // early exit if no query.
                if (!$searchQuery) {

                $filter = ($query->getFilter()) ?: new P4Cms_Record_Filter;

                if ($filter->getOption('lucene')) {
                    $searchQuery = (is_array($filter->getOption('lucene')))
                                 ? array_intersect($filter->getOption('lucene'), array($searchQuery))
                                 : $filter->getOption('lucene') . ' ' . $searchQuery;

                $filter->setOption('lucene', $searchQuery);

        // Allows for filtering a content query by lucene.
        // Used by creating a filter on the query with the 'lucene' option set to a string
        // or array containing keywords.
            function(P4Cms_Record_Query $query, P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter)
                $filter = $query->getFilter();
                if (!$filter || !$filter instanceof P4Cms_Record_Filter) {

                // see if the lucene filter option is set
                $keywords = $filter->getOption('lucene');
                if (!$keywords || (!is_string($keywords) && !is_array($keywords))) {

                if (is_array($keywords)) {
                    $keywords = implode(' ', $keywords);

                // collect matching content ids.
                $ids = array();
                foreach (Search_Module::find($keywords) as $result) {
                    $document = $result->getDocument();
                    if (in_array('contentId', $document->getFieldNames())) {
                        $ids[] = $document->contentId;

                // add content ids to query paths.
                $query->addPaths($ids, true);

        // copy the search index when a new branch is created.
            function($target, $source, $adapter)
                $sourcePath = $source->getDataPath() . '/' . Search_Module::ACTIVE_INDEX_PATH;
                $targetPath = $target->getDataPath() . '/' . Search_Module::ACTIVE_INDEX_PATH;

                // if a search index exists, it means the target branch has previously
                // existed. remove the old search index because the content of this branch
                // now represents the content of the source branch.
                if (is_dir($targetPath)) {

                // if no existing source index, nothing to do.
                // if we proceeded and took lock on the source directory that creates
                // an empty search index (with a lock file) which breaks lucene.
                if (!is_dir($sourcePath)) {

                // lock the source branch's search index so we don't clash with writers.
                $lock = Zend_Search_Lucene_LockManager::obtainReadLock(
                    new Zend_Search_Lucene_Storage_Directory_Filesystem($sourcePath)

                // copy source index files to target.
                P4Cms_FileUtility::copyRecursive($sourcePath, $targetPath);

                // all done.
static Search_Module::prepareDocument ( document) [static]

Attempts to normalize the given 'document' into a lucene document object.

If the input is an object with a toLuceneDocument method, we will use that.

mixed$documentthe input document to normalize to lucene
Zend_Search_Lucene_Document|false a lucene document object or false if we can't convert the input to lucene. Return the passed document after making any necessary modifications for proper indexing. Subscribers can adjust values or take responsibility for converting the document to Lucene Document format so it can be successfully indexed. Zend_Search_Lucene_Document|mixed $document The document to prepare for indexing. mixed $original The original value passed to 'prepareDocument'

        $original = $document;

        // can the object turn itself into a lucene doc?
        if (is_object($document) && method_exists($document, 'toLuceneDocument')) {
            try {
                $document = $document->toLuceneDocument();
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                    "Failed to create Lucene document.",

        // if document is not yet a lucene doc, make one.
        if (!$document instanceof Zend_Search_Lucene_Document) {
            $document = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document;

        // allow third-parties to influence how document is prepared for index.
        // this is done via the 'filter' technique of pub/sub whereby the first
        // argument passed to each subscriber is the return value of the last.
        $document = P4Cms_PubSub::filter(

        // if the document doesn't have any fields, then we were unable
        // to prepare it for indexing, therefore return false.
        if (!$document instanceof Zend_Search_Lucene_Document
            || !count($document->getFieldNames())
        ) {
            return false;

        return $document;
static Search_Module::stringToQuery ( search) [static]

Produce a lucene query object for a given search string.

string$searchthe string based search query.
Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Query the lucene query object.
        $enhanced  = static::_enhanceQuery($search);
        $userQuery = Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParser::parse($enhanced);
        $query     = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Query_Boolean();
        $query->addSubquery($userQuery, true);

        return $query;

Member Data Documentation

Search_Module::$_searchInstances = array() [static, protected]
const Search_Module::ACTIVE_INDEX_PATH = 'search-index'
const Search_Module::NEW_DOCUMENT_COUNT_FILE = 'search-newly-added-document.count'

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: