Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation

Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid Class Reference

Dojo DataGrid widget view helper. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 addButton ($label, array $options=array())
 Add button into the grid footer.
 addColumn ($field, array $attributes=array(), $isSortable=true)
 Add column with given attributes to the columns option.
 dataGrid ($namespace=null, array $options=null)
 If called without arguments, return instance of this class, otherwise render DataGrid widget.
 dojoData (Zend_Paginator $paginator, $itemCallback=null, $identifier= 'id')
 Return Zend_Dojo_Data container holding data for data grid.
 getAttrib ($key)
 Retrieve given helper attribute.
 getDefaultActionsColumn ()
 Return pre-defined label and attributes for data grid actions column.
 getNamespace ()
 Return the namespace value.
 getOption ($key)
 Retrieve a single helper option.
 getOptions ()
 Return helper options.
 getPublishedActions ()
 Get the actions menu for this data grid's 'actions' pub/sub topic.
 mergeColumnDefaults ($columns, $defaults)
 Normalizes the passed columns array and merges in any passed default properties.
 normalizeColumns ($columns)
 Normalize the passed columns array.
 render ($namespace=null, array $options=null)
 Return a string representing markup for p4cms.ui.DataGrid widget.
 setAttrib ($key, $value)
 Set helper attribute.
 setNamespace ($namespace)
 Set namespace for data grid related objects.
 setOption ($key, $value)
 Set helper single option.
 setOptions (array $options)
 Set helper options.

Protected Member Functions

 _getActionsMenu ()
 Return markup for actions dijit menu.
 _getActionsMenuId ()
 Return actions menu id from cache.
 _getDataGridAttribs ()
 Return data grid attributes as result of merging default attributes with attributes set in options and encoding attributes with array values.
 _getDataGridId ()
 Return id of data grid instance.
 _getDataGridLayout ()
 Return markup for data grid.
 _getDataGridPlugins ()
 Returns plugins attribute suitable for data grid widget.
 _getDataStoreId ()
 Return id of data store attached to the grid.
 _getDataStoreLayout ()
 Return markup for data grid store.
 _getExpandedClassTemplate ($name)
 Return class template with @ replaced by grid label.
 _getFormLayout ()
 Return markup for data grid options form.
 _getGridFooterButtonsLayout ()
 Return markup for grid footer buttons specified in 'footerButtons' option.
 _getGridFooterLayout ()
 Return markup for data grid footer.
 _getGridHeadLayout ()
 Return markup for data grid head.
 _getGridLabel ()
 Return grid label from cahce.
 _getModule ()
 Return module name from the request.
 _getNormalizedColumns ()
 Return array with normalized columns attribute having following properties:

  • 'field' key is present in column attributes array
  • 'label' key is present in column attributes array (if label was not not set, set value to capitalized field value)
  • column items are sorted with respect to the 'order' attribute
  • 'order' key is not present in column attributes array.

 _getNormController ()
 Return normalized controller name, which is name of the controller if its not 'index', otherwise name of the module.
 _scaleColumns (array $columns)
 Updates percentage-based column widths to sum up to 100%.

Protected Attributes

 $_formClassTemplate = 'grid-options @-grid-options'
 $_gridFooterModule = 'p4cms.ui.grid.Footer'
 $_gridModule = 'p4cms.ui.grid.DataGrid'
 $_namespace = null
 $_options = array()
 $_storeModule = ''
 $_wrapperClassTemplate = 'data-grid @-grid'

Detailed Description

Dojo DataGrid widget view helper.

2011-2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved
Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.

Member Function Documentation

Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::_getActionsMenu ( ) [protected]

Return markup for actions dijit menu.

string actions menu markup.
        $menuId = $this->_getActionsMenuId();
        if (!$menuId) {
            return '';

        $dijitMenu = $this->view->navigation()->findHelper('dijitMenu');
        return $dijitMenu->renderMenu(
                'attribs'    => array(
                    'id'     => $menuId,
                    'style'  => 'display: none;'
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::_getActionsMenuId ( ) [protected]

Return actions menu id from cache.

If not set yet, sets menu id and returns it. If actions are not defined, sets menu id to null.

string|null actions menu id.
        if (!isset($this->_cache['actionsMenuId'])) {
            if (isset($this->_options['actions']) && count($this->_options['actions'])) {
                $this->_cache['actionsMenuId'] = $this->_getGridLabel() . '-grid';
            } else {
                $this->_cache['actionsMenuId'] = null;

        return $this->_cache['actionsMenuId'];
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::_getDataGridAttribs ( ) [protected]

Return data grid attributes as result of merging default attributes with attributes set in options and encoding attributes with array values.

array list with attributes for datagrid.
        $attribs = isset($this->_options['attribs'])
            ? array_merge($this->_defaultAttribs, $this->_options['attribs'])
            : $this->_defaultAttribs;

        $attribs['jsId']    = $this->_getDataGridId();
        $attribs['store']   = $this->_getDataStoreId();

        // add a query attribute if the form contains populated filter options 
        // so that the datagrid is filtered without user interaction
        if (isset($this->_options['form'])) {
            $query            = $this->_options['form']->getValues();
            $filter           = new P4Cms_Filter_FlattenArray;
            $attribs['query'] = $filter->filter($query);

        // add plugins if there are some
        $plugins = $this->_getDataGridPlugins();
        if ($plugins) {
            $attribs['plugins'] = $plugins;

        // encode array attribs
        foreach ($attribs as $key => &$value) {
            if (is_array($value)) {
                $value = Zend_Json::encode($value);

        // set pagination options
        if (isset($this->_options['pageSize'])) {
            $attribs['rowsPerPage'] = $this->_options['pageSize'];
        if (!isset($attribs['rowCount'])) {
            $attribs['rowCount'] = $attribs['rowsPerPage'];
        if (!isset($attribs['keepRows'])) {
            $attribs['keepRows'] = $attribs['rowsPerPage'] * 10;

        return $attribs;
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::_getDataGridId ( ) [protected]

Return id of data grid instance.

string data grid instance id.
        return $this->_namespace . '.instance';
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::_getDataGridLayout ( ) [protected]

Return markup for data grid.

string data grid markup.
        // get markup for grid header
        $htmlGridHead = $this->_getGridHeadLayout();

        // prepare grid widget
        $this->_module = $this->_gridModule;
        $attribs       = $this->_prepareDijit(

        return '<table' . $this->_htmlAttribs($attribs) . '>' . self::EOL
            . $htmlGridHead
            . '</table>' . self::EOL;
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::_getDataGridPlugins ( ) [protected]

Returns plugins attribute suitable for data grid widget.

Loads all required dojo modules specified in plugins definition. Also sets up grid rowMenu in menus plugin if there are actions set.

array data grid widget 'plugin' attribute
        $plugins = isset($this->_options['plugins']) ? $this->_options['plugins'] : array();
        // if there are actions set, add row menu plugin
        $menuId = $this->_getActionsMenuId();
        if ($menuId) {
            $plugins['menus'] = array(
                'module'  => 'dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.Menu',
                'options' => array(
                    'rowMenu' => 'dijitmenu-' . $menuId

        // assemble list of normalized plugins that can be used as a plugin
        // attribute for data grid widget
        $normalized = array();
        foreach ($plugins as $name => $data) {
            // if 'module' is specified, insert dojo module and set
            // plugin options either from 'options' (required if module
            // is also present) of from the whole data otherwise
            if (isset($data['module'])) {

                // in this case, plugin options must be specied in the 'options' array
                if (!isset($data['options'])) {
                    throw new Zend_Dojo_View_Exception(
                        "Missing 'options' key in the plugin definition"
                      . " (required if 'module' key is present)."

            $normalized[$name] = isset($data['options']) ? $data['options'] : $data;

        return $normalized;
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::_getDataStoreId ( ) [protected]

Return id of data store attached to the grid.

Returns storeId if set in options, otherwise grid id + '.store'.

string data store id.
        if (!isset($this->_cache['storeId'])) {
            $this->_cache['storeId'] = isset($this->_options['storeId'])
                ? $this->_options['storeId']
                : $this->_namespace . '.store';

        return $this->_cache['storeId'];
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::_getDataStoreLayout ( ) [protected]

Return markup for data grid store.

string grid store markup.
        if (!isset($this->_options['url'])) {
            throw new Zend_Dojo_View_Exception("You must set an url.");

        // prepare store widget
        $this->_module = $this->_storeModule;
        $attribs       = $this->_prepareDijit(
                'url'   => $this->_options['url'],
                'jsId'  => $this->_getDataStoreId()

        return '<div' . $this->_htmlAttribs($attribs) . '></div>' . self::EOL;
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::_getExpandedClassTemplate ( name) [protected]

Return class template with @ replaced by grid label.

string$namename of the template.
string expanded template or empty string if template not found.
        $templateName = '_' . strtolower($name) . 'ClassTemplate';
        if (!property_exists($this, $templateName)) {
            return '';

        return str_replace('@', $this->_getGridLabel(), $this->$templateName);
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::_getFormLayout ( ) [protected]

Return markup for data grid options form.

string grid options markup.
        if (!isset($this->_options['form'])) {
            return '';

        $attribs = array(
            'class' => $this->_getExpandedClassTemplate('form')

        return '<div' . $this->_htmlAttribs($attribs) . '>' . self::EOL
            . $this->_options['form']
            . '</div>' . self::EOL;
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::_getGridFooterButtonsLayout ( ) [protected]

Return markup for grid footer buttons specified in 'footerButtons' option.

string markup for grid footer buttons.
        if (!isset($this->_options['footer']['buttons'])
            || !is_array($this->_options['footer']['buttons'])
        ) {
            return '';
        $buttons = $this->_options['footer']['buttons'];

        // if button order was not provided by user, set it to match button's offset
        // in the buttons array, so the buttons will be rendered in the order as were
        // added
        $buttonOffset = 0;
        foreach ($buttons as &$button) {
            if (!isset($button['order'])) {
                $button['order'] = ++$buttonOffset;

        // sort buttons according to their order
            function($a, $b)
                $orderA = (int) $a['order'];
                $orderB = (int) $b['order'];

                if ($orderA === $orderB) {
                    return 0;
                return $orderA < $orderB ? -1 : 1;

        $html = '<div class="button">' . self::EOL;
        foreach ($buttons as $label => $data) {
            $params  = isset($data['params']) ? $data['params'] : array();
            $attribs = isset($data['attribs']) ? $data['attribs'] : array();
            $html   .= $this->view->button(null, $label, $params, $attribs);
        $html .= '</div>' . self::EOL;

        return $html;
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::_getGridFooterLayout ( ) [protected]

Return markup for data grid footer.

string data grid footer markup.
        // merge footer attribs
        $attribs = isset($this->_options['footer']['attribs'])
            ? $this->_options['footer']['attribs']
            : array();
        $attribs['gridId'] = $this->_getDataGridId();

        // prepare footer widget
        $this->_module = $this->_gridFooterModule;
        $attribs = $this->_prepareDijit(

        return '<div' . $this->_htmlAttribs($attribs) . '>' . self::EOL
            . $this->_getGridFooterButtonsLayout()
            . '</div>' . self::EOL;
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::_getGridHeadLayout ( ) [protected]

Return markup for data grid head.

string data grid head markup.
        if (!isset($this->_options['columns'])) {
            throw new Zend_Dojo_View_Exception("You must set columns in options.");

        $html = '<thead>' . self::EOL . '<tr>' . self::EOL;
        foreach ($this->_getNormalizedColumns() as $columnAttribs) {
            $label = $columnAttribs['label'];
            $html .= '<th' . $this->_htmlAttribs($columnAttribs) . '>' . $label . '</th>' . self::EOL;

        return $html . '</tr>' . self::EOL . '</thead>' . self::EOL;
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::_getGridLabel ( ) [protected]

Return grid label from cahce.

If not set, get it from paroptionsams (defaults to module name if not specified in options).

string grid label.
        if (!isset($this->_cache['gridLabel'])) {
            $this->_cache['gridLabel'] = isset($this->_options['gridLabel'])
                ? $this->_options['gridLabel']
                : $this->_getNormController();

        return $this->_cache['gridLabel'];
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::_getModule ( ) [protected]

Return module name from the request.

string name of current module.
        if (!isset($this->_cache['module'])) {
            $this->_cache['module'] = 

        return $this->_cache['module'];
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::_getNormalizedColumns ( ) [protected]

Return array with normalized columns attribute having following properties:

  • 'field' key is present in column attributes array
  • 'label' key is present in column attributes array (if label was not not set, set value to capitalized field value)
  • column items are sorted with respect to the 'order' attribute
  • 'order' key is not present in column attributes array.

array array with normalized columns attributes
        if (!isset($this->_cache['normalizedColumns'])) {
            $columns           = (array) $this->getOption('columns');
            $normalizedColumns = array();
            $index             = 0;
            foreach ($columns as $field => $data) {
                // determine column order
                if (is_array($data) && isset($data['order'])) {
                    $order = (int) $data['order'];
                } else {
                    while (array_key_exists($index, $normalizedColumns)) {
                    $order = $index;

                // normalize attributes
                if (is_string($data)) {
                    $column  = array(
                        'field' => $data
                } else if (!is_array($data)) {
                    throw new Zend_Dojo_View_Exception(
                        "Value of columns option must be a string or an array."
                } else {
                    if (!isset($data['field'])) {
                        $data['field'] = $field;
                    $column = $data;

                // add label if not set
                if (!isset($column['label'])) {
                    $column['label'] = ucfirst($column['field']);

                // remove order attribute if set
                if (isset($column['order'])) {
                // ensure width related options are present.
                $column += array('width' => null, 'fixedWidth' => null, 'minWidth' => null);

                $normalizedColumns[$order] = $column;


            // update columns width to ensure they sum up to 100%
            $normalizedColumns = $this->_scaleColumns($normalizedColumns);

            $this->_cache['normalizedColumns'] = $normalizedColumns;
        return $this->_cache['normalizedColumns'];
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::_getNormController ( ) [protected]

Return normalized controller name, which is name of the controller if its not 'index', otherwise name of the module.

string controller name (if not index) or module name.
        if (!isset($this->_cache['normController'])) {
            $controller = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest()->getControllerName();
            $this->_cache['normController'] = $controller == 'index' 
                ? $this->_getModule()
                : $controller;

        return $this->_cache['normController'];
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::_scaleColumns ( array $  columns) [protected]

Updates percentage-based column widths to sum up to 100%.

Columns will only be updated if all column widths are specified as percentages or are not defined.

When calculating widths, attempts to preserve 'fixedWidth' values and honor 'minWidth' constraints. However, if the sum of all fixedWidth and/or minWidth values exceeds 100%, they too will be scaled down.

array$columnslist of columns to scale widths of.
array columns array where width of each element has been updated such that they sum up to 100% - if it's not possible to scale column widths, the original column definitions are returned.
        $widths    = array();
        $minWidths = array();
        $fixedKeys = array();

        // collect data from original columns definition
        // ensuring that specified widths use percentages
        foreach ($columns as $key => $column) {
            // check for non-percentage based widths and exit if we find any
            foreach (array('width', 'fixedWidth', 'minWidth') as $widthType) {
                if ($column[$widthType] && !preg_match('/^[0-9]+%$/', $column[$widthType])) {
                    return $columns;

            // if width is fixed, set it and continue
            if ($column['fixedWidth']) {
                $widths[$key] = intval($column['fixedWidth']);
                $fixedKeys[]  = $key;

            // process columns with minimum width
            if ($column['minWidth']) {
                $minWidths[$key] = intval($column['minWidth']);
                $widths[$key]    = $minWidths[$key];

            if ($column['width']) {
                $widths[$key] = intval($column['width']);

        // get keys of columns with flexible width
        $flexibleKeys = array_diff(array_keys($widths), $fixedKeys);

        // scale down flexible columns until total width is <= 100%
        // or no further scaling is possible (i.e. because all columns 
        // have a fixed width or have reached a min-width constraint)
        while (array_sum($widths) > 100 && count($flexibleKeys)) {
            // calculate total width of fixed and flexible columns
            $fixedWidth    = 0;
            $flexibleWidth = 0;
            foreach ($widths as $key => $width) {
                if (in_array($key, $flexibleKeys)) {
                    $flexibleWidth += $width;
                } else {
                    $fixedWidth += $width;

            // if total width of fixed columns is over 100%, we can't scale columns
            // and honor fixed widths; so we exit this loop and force them smaller
            if ($fixedWidth > 100) {

            // compute multiplication coefficient (scale) to shrink flexible columns
            $scale = (100 - $fixedWidth) / $flexibleWidth;

            // shrink flexible columns by scaling factor
            foreach ($flexibleKeys as $index => $key) {
                $newWidth = floor($widths[$key] * $scale);

                // if new width is lower than min-width, use min-width instead 
                // and remove column from the set of flexible-width columns
                if (isset($minWidths[$key]) && $newWidth < $minWidths[$key]) {
                    $newWidth = $minWidths[$key];

                $widths[$key] = $newWidth;

        // if total width is over 100%, it means that we were unable to scale columns
        // while preserving fixed-width or min-width constraints; we scale it here
        // regardless of those constraints
        if (array_sum($widths) > 100) {
            $scale  = 100 / array_sum($widths);
            foreach ($widths as $key => $value) {
                $widths[$key] = floor($value * $scale);

        // at this point, columns are scaled 100%, however due rounding, the sum 
        // might be lower than 100% - to make it exactly 100% we pick one column 
        // and adjust its width - if possible we use a flexible column
        $adjust = count($flexibleKeys)
            ? reset($flexibleKeys)
            : key($widths);

        // copy computed widths to original columns
        foreach ($widths as $key => $width) {
            $width = ($key === $adjust)
                ? $width + (100 - array_sum($widths))
                : $width;

            $columns[$key]['width'] = $width . '%';

        return $columns;
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::addButton ( label,
array $  options = array() 

Add button into the grid footer.

Existing button with the same label will be overriden.

string$labelbutton label
array$optionsoptional, button options
        // get footer buttons from options
        $footer  = $this->getOption('footer') ?: array();
        $buttons = isset($footer['buttons']) ? $footer['buttons'] : array();

        // add button with given label and options
        $buttons[$label] = $options;

        // update footer        
        $footer['buttons'] = $buttons;
        $this->setOption('footer', $footer);
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::addColumn ( field,
array $  attributes = array(),
isSortable = true 

Add column with given attributes to the columns option.

If $isSortable parameter is false, also adds column to the list of columns with disabled sorting.

string$fielddojo data field that added column is associated with
array$attributesadded column attributes
boolean$isSortableif false, then column will be added to the disableSort list
        $field   = (string) $field;
        $columns = (array) $this->getOption('columns');
        if (isset($columns[$field])) {
            throw new Zend_Dojo_View_Exception(
                "Cannot add column: field $field already exists."

        // add column to the columns option
        $columns[$field] = $attributes;
        $this->setOption('columns', $columns);

        // if not sortable, add column to the list of columns with disabled sorting
        if (!$isSortable) {
            $attribs     = (array) $this->getOption('attribs');
            $default     = isset($this->_defaultAttribs['disableSort']) 
                ? $this->_defaultAttribs['disableSort']
                : array();
            $disableSort = isset($attribs['disableSort'])
                ? $attribs['disableSort']
                : $default;

            if (is_array($disableSort) && !in_array($field, $disableSort)) {
                $disableSort[] = $field;

            $attribs['disableSort'] = $disableSort;
            $this->setOption('attribs', $attribs);
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::dataGrid ( namespace = null,
array $  options = null 

If called without arguments, return instance of this class, otherwise render DataGrid widget.

string | null$namespacenamespace for data grid related objects.
array | null$optionshelper options.
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid|string instance of this class if called with no paramns, otherwise markup for data grid and attached widgets.
        // return instance of this class if no parameters provided
        if ($namespace === null && $options === null) {
            return $this;

        return $this->render($namespace, $options);
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::dojoData ( Zend_Paginator $  paginator,
itemCallback = null,
identifier = 'id' 

Return Zend_Dojo_Data container holding data for data grid.

This method takes a paginator object. The ultimate goal is to get each item in the paginator into array form. This can be accomplished by passing a paginator of arrays, objects with a 'toArray()' method, or a item callback that converts each item into an array (and may optionally manipulate/filter item data).

When output data array is being assembled, 'data.item' topic is published allowing each data item to be filtered by interested third-parties. When output data assembling is done, 'data' topic is published to allow modifications of whole output data array (passed to subscribers as Zend_Dojo_Data object).

Zend_Paginator$paginatorpaginator object containing data to output.
callback$itemCallbackoptional - callback to invoke for each item in the paginator, should return an array of item data.
string$identifieroptional - specifies output data identifier ('id' by default).
InvalidArgumentExceptionif callback is not callable
Zend_Dojo_View_Exceptionif unable to convert paginator item to an array
Zend_Dojo_Data dojo data container suitable for printing
        // ensure itemCallback is callable function
        if ($itemCallback && !is_callable($itemCallback)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException("Data item callback must be callable function.");

        // assemble output data
        $data = array();
        foreach ($paginator as $model) {
            // get data item from provided callback function or attempt to convert to array.
            if ($itemCallback) {
                $item = call_user_func($itemCallback, $model, $this);
            } else if (is_object($model) && method_exists($model, 'toArray')) {
                $item = $model->toArray();
            } else {
                $item = $model;
            // verify that item is in array form.
            if (!is_array($item)) {
                throw new Zend_Dojo_View_Exception("Unable to convert paginator item to array.");
            // allow data item modification by interested parties
            try {
                $item = P4Cms_PubSub::filter(
                    $this->getNamespace() . '.data.item',
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                P4Cms_Log::logException("Error building data grid item data.", $e);
            $data[] = $item;

        // put items in dojo data container to be printed
        $data = new Zend_Dojo_Data((string) $identifier, $data);
        $data->setMetadata('numRows', $paginator->getTotalItemCount());

        // allow data container modification by interested parties
        try {
                $this->getNamespace() . '.data',
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            P4Cms_Log::logException("Error building data grid data.", $e);
        return $data;        
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::getAttrib ( key)

Retrieve given helper attribute.

string$keykey to get helper attribute for.
mixed single helper attribute for given key or null if attribute is not set.
        $key     = (string) $key;
        $attribs = $this->getOption('attribs');
        if (!$attribs || !isset($attribs[$key])) {
            return null;

        return $attribs[$key];
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::getDefaultActionsColumn ( )

Return pre-defined label and attributes for data grid actions column.

array attributes for default actions field.
        return array(
            'label'      => 'Actions',
            'fixedWidth' => '9%',
            'field'      => '_item',
            'formatter'  => 'p4cms.ui.grid.formatters.ActionsButton',
            'classes'    => 'actions',
            'order'      => 999
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::getNamespace ( )

Return the namespace value.

string|null namespace to use.
        return $this->_namespace;
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::getOption ( key)

Retrieve a single helper option.

string$keykey to get helper option for.
mixed single helper option for given key or null if option not found.
        $key = (string) $key;
        if (!isset($this->_options[$key])) {
            return null;

        return $this->_options[$key];
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::getOptions ( )

Return helper options.

array helper options.
        return $this->_options;
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::getPublishedActions ( )

Get the actions menu for this data grid's 'actions' pub/sub topic.

P4Cms_Navigation a navigation container populated with items via pub/sub.
        $actions = new P4Cms_Navigation;
        P4Cms_PubSub::publish($this->getNamespace() . '.actions', $actions);
        return $actions;
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::mergeColumnDefaults ( columns,

Normalizes the passed columns array and merges in any passed default properties.

Columns present in defaults but not present in the passed columns array will be excluded from the result.

array$columnsa list which columns to include and, optionally, custom options
array$defaultsthe list of default columns and thier options
array result of merging default options with custom column properties
        $columns = $this->normalizeColumns($columns);

        foreach ($columns as $name => &$properties) {
            if (isset($defaults[$name])) {
                $properties += $defaults[$name];

        return $columns;
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::normalizeColumns ( columns)

Normalize the passed columns array.

The resulting array will have the column name as keys and an array (possibly empty) of properties for values.

array$columnsthe array to normalize
arrray the normalize array
        $normalized = array();
        foreach ((array) $columns as $key => $values) {
            if (is_int($key) && is_string($values)) {
                $normalized[$values] = array();

            $normalized[$key] = is_array($values) ? $values : array();

        return $normalized;
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::render ( namespace = null,
array $  options = null 

Return a string representing markup for p4cms.ui.DataGrid widget.

Also appends following elements (depending on options, see below):

  • grid options form
  • data store used by grid
  • grid footer
  • grid context row menu

Publishes a 'render' topic just prior to generating data grid markup. This allows interested third-parties to make adjustments (e.g. change options to add columns) at render time.

string | null$namespacenamespace for data grid related objects.
array | null$optionshelper options, following keys are recognized: form grid options form url (required) data store url to fetch data from storeId id of data store, if not set, helper will set one columns (required) grid columns definition, values must be either strings or arrays with following meaning: string - value will be used as storage field to get value for the column from, label will be capitalized value, no formatter array - key will be used as storage field (unless field is not set in array values), value defines attributes (label, formatter, width etc.) plugins array with grid plugins, name of the plugin is in key and plugin options in the value that must be array with following keys: module - optional, required dojo module options - plugin options, required if module is specified alternativelly, if no module is required, 'options' key may be omitted actions P4Cms_Navigation object, if set it will be used for attaching context row menu gridLabel used for expanding class templates, if not set helper will generate one, see _getGridLabel() method footer options for grid footer, folowing two keys are recognized: buttons - array with buttons options: (keys = button labels) attribs - button attributes order - optional, button order in the grid footer buttons will be rendered as dijit.form.Button widgets and placed in the grid footer attribs - attributes merged to the footer widget, gridId is always set by the helper pageSize if set, influences rowsPerPage, keepRows and rowCount attribs if they are not present attribs data grid attributes, they are merged with defaultAttribsprovided by this class before rendering
string markup for data grid and attached widgets.
        // get namespace from the parameter (if provided) or from the storage
        $namespace = $namespace ?: $this->getNamespace();

        // set the namespace to ensure it is valid

        if ($options !== null) {
        // allow third-parties to participate (e.g. change options) before we render.
        try {
                $this->getNamespace() . '.render', 
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            P4Cms_Log::logException("Error rendering data grid.", $e);

        // get rendered elements layouts
        $htmlForm                   = $this->_getFormLayout();
        $htmlStore                  = $this->_getDataStoreLayout();
        $htmlGrid                   = $this->_getDataGridLayout();
        $htmlActionsMenu            = $this->_getActionsMenu();
        $htmlGridFooter             = $this->_getGridFooterLayout();

        // set attributes for grid wrapper container
        $wrapperAttribs = array(
            'class' => $this->_getExpandedClassTemplate('wrapper')

        return $htmlForm
            . '<div' . $this->_htmlAttribs($wrapperAttribs) . '>' . self::EOL
            . $htmlStore
            . $htmlGrid
            . $htmlActionsMenu
            . $htmlGridFooter
            . '</div>' . self::EOL;
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::setAttrib ( key,

Set helper attribute.

string$keyattribute key to set.
mixed$valueattribute value to set.
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid provides fluent interface.
        $attribs = $this->getOption('attribs');
        if (!is_array($attribs)) {
            $attribs = array();

        $key           = (string) $key;
        $attribs[$key] = $value;
        $this->setOption('attribs', $attribs);

        return $this;
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::setNamespace ( namespace)

Set namespace for data grid related objects.

string$namespacenamespace to use.
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid provides fluent interface.
        if (!is_string($namespace) || !strlen($namespace)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException("Namespace must be a non-empty string.");

        $this->_namespace = $namespace;
        return $this;
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::setOption ( key,

Set helper single option.

string$keyoption key to set.
mixed$valueoption value to set.
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid provides fluent interface.
        $key = (string) $key;
        $this->_options[$key] = $value;

        // clear normalizedColumns cache if column attribute was altered
        if ($key == 'columns') {

        return $this;
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::setOptions ( array $  options)

Set helper options.

array$optionshelper options.
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid provides fluent interface.
        $this->_options = array();
        foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
            $this->setOption($key, $value);
        return $this;

Member Data Documentation

Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::$_defaultAttribs [protected]
Initial value:
        'rowsPerPage'       => 25,
        'dynamicHeight'     => true,
        'selectionMode'     => 'none',
        'disableFocus'      => true,
        'disableSort'       => array('_item')
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::$_formClassTemplate = 'grid-options @-grid-options' [protected]
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::$_gridFooterModule = 'p4cms.ui.grid.Footer' [protected]
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::$_gridModule = 'p4cms.ui.grid.DataGrid' [protected]
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::$_namespace = null [protected]
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::$_options = array() [protected]
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::$_storeModule = '' [protected]
Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid::$_wrapperClassTemplate = 'data-grid @-grid' [protected]

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