Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation

Workflow_Form_GridStateFilter Class Reference

This is sub-form for filtering by workflow states utilized by the data grid. More...

Inheritance diagram for Workflow_Form_GridStateFilter:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 getSelectedStates ()
 Returns list of selected values from 'states' element as an array containing workflow => workflow states.
 init ()
 Initialize workflow states form.

Public Attributes

const OPTION_ONLY_PUBLISHED = 'onlyPublished'
const OPTION_ONLY_UNPUBLISHED = 'onlyUnpublished'
const OPTION_USER_SELECTED = 'userSelected'

Protected Member Functions

 _getWorkflowStatesOptions ()
 Return list with workflow states organized by worfkflows suitable for using as options for NestedCheckbox form element.

Detailed Description

This is sub-form for filtering by workflow states utilized by the data grid.

2011-2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved
Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.

Member Function Documentation

Workflow_Form_GridStateFilter::_getWorkflowStatesOptions ( ) [protected]

Return list with workflow states organized by worfkflows suitable for using as options for NestedCheckbox form element.

array list with workflow states options.
        $workflows = Workflow_Model_Workflow::fetchAll();

        // create array with workflow states organized by workflows:
        // [<WORKFLOW:ID>/*] => <WORKFLOW:NAME>
        // [<WORKFLOW:ID>/]  => Array(
        // )
        // where WORKFLOW loops through all workflows and
        // WORKFLOW_STATE loops through all states for the given workflow        
        $options = array();
        foreach ($workflows as $workflow) {
            $prefix = $workflow->getId() . '/';

            // add workflow item
            $options[$prefix . '*'] = $workflow->getLabel();

            // add all states for the workflow (in sorted order)
            $states = $workflow->getStateModels();
            foreach ($states as $state) {
                $options[$prefix][$prefix . $state->getId()] = $state->getLabel();

        return $options;
Workflow_Form_GridStateFilter::getSelectedStates ( )

Returns list of selected values from 'states' element as an array containing workflow => workflow states.

array list of selected workflow states grouped by workflows.
        $statesElement = $this->getElement('states');
        $states        = $statesElement->getValue();

        // if no states selected, return an empty array
        if (!is_array($states)) {
            return array();

        $workflowStates = array();
        foreach ($states as $state) {
            $stateValue = substr($state, -2) == '/*'
                ? array_keys($statesElement->getMultiOption(substr($state, 0, -1)))
                : array($state);

            foreach ($stateValue as $workflowStatePair) {
                // $workflowStatePair should contain workflow/state
                if (strpos($workflowStatePair, '/') === false) {

                list($workflow, $state) = explode('/', $workflowStatePair);

                if (!isset($workflowStates[$workflow])) {
                    $workflowStates[$workflow] = array($state);
                } else if (!in_array($state, $workflowStates[$workflow])) {
                    $workflowStates[$workflow][] = $state;

        return $workflowStates;
Workflow_Form_GridStateFilter::init ( )

Initialize workflow states form.


        // add select box with options the filters will be applied to
                'label'         => 'Workflow',
                'multiOptions'  => array(
                    'current'   => 'Current Status',
                    'scheduled' => 'Scheduled Status',
                    'either'    => 'Current or Scheduled Status'
                'autoApply'     => true

        // add radio with published/unpublished/user-defined workflow state options
                'multiOptions'  => array(
                    ''                              => 'Any State',
                    static::OPTION_ONLY_PUBLISHED   => 'Published Content',
                    static::OPTION_ONLY_UNPUBLISHED => 'Unpublished Content',
                    static::OPTION_USER_SELECTED    => 'Specific Workflow States'
                'autoApply'     => true,
                'value'         => '',
                'onClick'       => ""
                                . "if (this.value == '" . static::OPTION_USER_SELECTED . "') {\n"
                                .  "'fieldset-workflowStates');\n"
                                .  "} else {\n"
                                .  " p4cms.ui.hide('fieldset-workflowStates');\n"
                                .  "}"

        // add a field to collect all workflow states organized by workflows
                'multiOptions'  => $this->_getWorkflowStatesOptions(),
                'autoApply'     => true,
                'onClick'       => "
                    if (this.value.slice(-2) == '/*') {
                    } else {

        // put states in a separated group
            array('class' => 'workflow-states hidden')

Member Data Documentation

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