Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation

Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTest Class Reference

Test the workflow index controller. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 testAdd ()
 Test the add action.
 testBadAddPost ()
 Test bogus post to add.
 testBadEditId ()
 Test edit with bad workflow id.
 testBadEditPost ()
 Test bad post to edit.
 testDelete ()
 Test deleting workflow.
 testDeleteByAnonymous ()
 Test delete action with anonymous access.
 testDeleteInvalidId ()
 Test delete action with invalid id.
 testDeleteInvalidRequestMethod ()
 Test deleting an invalid request method.
 testDeleteJson ()
 Test deleting workflow in json context.
 testGoodAddPost ()
 Test good post to add.
 testGoodEditPost ()
 Test good post to edit.
 testIndexAction ()
 Test manage workflows grid.
 testReset ()
 Test workflows reset action.

Protected Member Functions

 _createWorkflow ($id)
 Create sample workflow record.
 _getTestWorkflowFormBadData ()
 Return list with bogus data suitable for testing the workflow form.
 _getTestWorkflowFormGoodData ()
 Return list with good data suitable for testing the workflow form.
 _getWorkflowFormElementsType ()
 Return array with types of workflow form elements.
 _verifyBadPost ($url, $action, array $data)
 Dispatch to provided url with provided post data and verify that form contains errors.
 _verifyGoodPost ($url, $action, array $data)
 Dispatch to provided url with provided post data and verify that form values have been saved.

Detailed Description

Test the workflow index controller.

2011-2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved
Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.

Member Function Documentation

Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTest::_createWorkflow ( id) [protected]

Create sample workflow record.

string$idId of created workflow.
Workflow_Model_Workflow Instance of newly created workflow.
        return Workflow_Model_Workflow::store(
                'id'            => "$id",
                'label'         => "$id label",
                'description'   => "$id description"
Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTest::_getTestWorkflowFormBadData ( ) [protected]

Return list with bogus data suitable for testing the workflow form.

        // following data are suitable for testing both add and edit actions,
        // however as id is provided from url for edit action, there must be
        // an extra flag (idError = true) set if id error contributes to the
        // total amount of errors (errorsCount)
        $data = array(
                'values'        => array(),
                'errorsCount'   => 3,
                'idError'       => true,
                'message'       => 'Missing required fields #1'
                'values'        => array(
                    'description'   => 'test desc'
                'errorsCount'   => 3,
                'idError'       => true,
                'message'       => 'Missing required fields #2'
                'values'        => array(
                    'id'            => 'foo'
                'errorsCount'   => 2,
                'message'       => 'Missing required fields #3'
                'values'        => array(
                    'label'         => 'foo',
                    'description'   => 'foo desc',
                    'states'        => "[foo] label = bar",
                'errorsCount'   => 1,
                'idError'       => true,
                'message'       => 'Missing id'
                'values'        => array(
                    'id'            => '#$%^',
                    'label'         => 'foo',
                    'states'        => '[a]'
                'errorsCount'   => 1,
                'idError'       => true,
                'message'       => 'Wrong id #1'
                'values'        => array(
                    'id'            => '@1',
                    'label'         => 'foo',
                    'description'   => 'bar',
                    'states'        => '[baz]'
                'errorsCount'   => 1,
                'idError'       => true,
                'message'       => 'Wrong id #2'
                'values'        => array(
                    'id'            => 'spaces not allowed',
                    'label'         => 'foo',
                    'description'   => 'foo desc',
                    'states'        => "[foo] label = bar",
                'errorsCount'   => 1,
                'idError'       => true,
                'message'       => 'Wrong id #3'
                'values'        => array(
                    'id'            => 'bar',
                    'label'         => 'Bar',
                    'description'   => 'bar desc',
                    'states'        => "state",
                'errorsCount'   => 1,
                'message'       => 'Wrong states field (at least one state has to be defined)'
                'values'        => array(
                    'id'            => 'bar',
                    'label'         => 'Bar',
                    'description'   => 'bar desc',
                    'states'        => "label=w",
                'errorsCount'   => 1,
                'message'       => 'Wrong states field (at least one state has to be defined)'
                'values'        => array(
                    'id'            => 'baz',
                    'label'         => 'Baz baz',
                    'description'   => 'bazzzZZZzzz',
                    'states'        => "[state label = baz",
                'errorsCount'   => 1,
                'message'       => 'Wrong states field (not a valid INI format)'
        return $data;
Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTest::_getTestWorkflowFormGoodData ( ) [protected]

Return list with good data suitable for testing the workflow form.

        $data = array(
                'values'        => array(
                    'id'            => 'foo',
                    'label'         => 'foo label',
                    'states'        => "[foo] label = bar",
                'values'        => array(
                    'id'            => 'bar',
                    'label'         => 'bar label',
                    'description'   => 'bar desc',
                    'states'        => "[bar]\nlabel = baz\n[foo]\nlabel = another baz",
                'values'        => array(
                    'id'            => 'baz',
                    'label'         => 'baz label',
                    'states'        => "[123] a=b",
                'values'        => array(
                    'id'            => 'test',
                    'label'         => 'x',
                    'description'   => 'y',
                    'states'        => "[ab c]",
        return $data;
Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTest::_getWorkflowFormElementsType ( ) [protected]

Return array with types of workflow form elements.

        return array(
            'id'            => 'text',
            'label'         => 'text',
            'description'   => 'textarea',
            'states'        => 'textarea'
Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTest::_verifyBadPost ( url,
array $  data 
) [protected]

Dispatch to provided url with provided post data and verify that form contains errors.

string$urlUrl to dispatch to.
string$actionWorkflow action.
array$dataArray containing post data, expected number of errors and message for assert output.

        $this->assertModule('workflow',     'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index',    'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction($action,        'Expected action');
        $this->assertResponseCode(400,      'Expected bad request response code.');

        // check form errors
        $this->assertQuery("#layout-main form.workflow-form", "Expected add form.");
            "Expected {$data['errorsCount']} form errors for test '{$data['message']}'."

        // edit form should always preserve id from url
        if ($action === 'edit') {
            $data['values']['id'] = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');

        // ensure posted data were preserved            
        $elementTypes = $this->_getWorkflowFormElementsType();
        foreach ($data['values'] as $field => $value) {
            $query = $elementTypes[$field] == 'textarea'
                ? "dd textarea[name='$field']"
                : "dd#$field-element";
                "form.workflow-form $query",
                "Expected preserving of value '$value' for '$field' field for test '{$data['message']}'."
Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTest::_verifyGoodPost ( url,
array $  data 
) [protected]

Dispatch to provided url with provided post data and verify that form values have been saved.

string$urlUrl to dispatch to.
string$actionWorkflow action.
array$dataArray containing post data.

        $this->assertModule('workflow',     'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index',    'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction($action,        'Expected action');

        // expect redirect to previous page (base url)
        $this->assertRedirectTo('/workflow/manage', 'Expect redirect to manage page.');

        // edit form should always preserve id from url
        if ($action === 'edit') {
            $data['values']['id'] = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');

        // verify workflow record has been saved
            "Expected workflow record has been saved/updated."

        // verify model values
        $workflow = Workflow_Model_Workflow::fetch($data['values']['id']);
        foreach ($data['values'] as $field => $value) {
            // states are by default returned as list of state models
            $workflowValue = $field == 'states'
                ? $workflow->getStatesAsIni()
                : $workflow->getValue($field);

                "Expected value of '$field' returned by workflow model."
Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTest::testAdd ( )

Test the add action.


        // verify form markup for different contexts
        $contexts = array(null, 'partial');
        foreach ($contexts as $context) {
            $format = $context ? "/format/$context" : "";

            $this->dispatch('/workflow/add' . $format);

            $this->assertModule('workflow', 'Expected module.');
            $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
            $this->assertAction('add', 'Expected action');

            // ensure that form inputs are presented correctly
            $this->assertQuery("form.workflow-form",                "Expected add form.");
            foreach ($this->_getWorkflowFormElementsType() as $field => $type) {
                $query = $type !== 'textarea' ? 'input' : $type;
                $this->assertQuery("{$query}[name='$field']",       "Expected '$field' input.");
            $this->assertQuery("input[type='submit']",              "Expected submit button.");

            // ensure labels are present.
            $labels = array(
                'id'            => 'Id',
                'label'         => 'Label',
                'description'   => 'Description',
                'states'        => 'States'
            foreach ($labels as $field => $label) {
                $this->assertQueryContentContains("label[for='$field']", $label, "Expected $field label.");
Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTest::testBadAddPost ( )

Test bogus post to add.


        // add workflow to allow testing for unique id

        $tests   = $this->_getTestWorkflowFormBadData();
        $tests[] = array(
            'values'        => array(
                'id'            => 'test',
                'label'         => 'foo',
                'description'   => 'bar',
                'states'        => "[baz] label = baz",
            'errorsCount'   => 1,
            'message'       => 'Id already exists'

        // loop throught all tests
        foreach ($tests as $test) {
            $this->_verifyBadPost('/workflow/add', 'add', $test);
Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTest::testBadEditId ( )

Test edit with bad workflow id.


        $this->request->setParam('id', 'noexist');
        $this->assertModule('error',     'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller.');
        $this->assertAction('error',     'Expected action.');
Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTest::testBadEditPost ( )

Test bad post to edit.


        $workflow = $this->_createWorkflow('foo');
        $workflow->setValue('states', '[foo]\nlabel=foo label')

        $tests = $this->_getTestWorkflowFormBadData();

        // loop throught all tests
        foreach ($tests as $test) {
            // skip tests with 1 error due to wrong id as id for edit is provided from url
            if (isset($test['idError']) && $test['idError'] === true) {

            if ($test['errorsCount'] == 0) {

            $this->_verifyBadPost('/workflow/edit/id/foo', 'edit', $test);
Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTest::testDelete ( )

Test deleting workflow.


        $this->request->setParam('id', 'delete');

        $this->assertModule('workflow',     'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index',    'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('delete',       'Expected action');

        // should redirect to the previous page (base url in this case)
        $this->assertRedirectTo('/workflow/manage', 'Expect redirect to manage page.');

        // verify workflow records after delete
            "Expected delete workflow has been deleted."
            "Expected no-delete workflow has not been deleted."
Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTest::testDeleteByAnonymous ( )

Test delete action with anonymous access.


        $this->request->setParam('id', 'test');
        $this->assertModule('error',            __LINE__ .': Last module run should be error module.');
        $this->assertController('index',        __LINE__ .': Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('access-denied',    __LINE__ .': Expected action');

        // verify workflow record has not been deleted
            "Expected test workflow has not been deleted."
Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTest::testDeleteInvalidId ( )

Test delete action with invalid id.


        $this->assertModule('error',        __LINE__ .': Last module run should be error module.');
        $this->assertController('index',    __LINE__ .': Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('error',        __LINE__ .': Expected action');
Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTest::testDeleteInvalidRequestMethod ( )

Test deleting an invalid request method.

        $this->assertModule('error', 'Expected error module.');
Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTest::testDeleteJson ( )

Test deleting workflow in json context.


                'id' =>     'del1',
                'format' => 'json'

        $this->assertModule('workflow',     'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index',    'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('delete',       'Expected action');

        // when delete in context, no redirecting should be made
            "Expected user is not redirected after workflow delete if within a context."

        $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();
            Zend_Json::encode(array('id' => 'del1')),
            __LINE__ .': Expected json output.'
        // verify workflow records after delete
            "Expected del1 workflow has been deleted."
            "Expected del workflow has not been deleted."
Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTest::testGoodAddPost ( )

Test good post to add.


        $tests = $this->_getTestWorkflowFormGoodData();

        // loop throught all tests
        foreach ($tests as $test) {
            $this->_verifyGoodPost('/workflow/add', 'add', $test);
Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTest::testGoodEditPost ( )

Test good post to edit.


        $workflow = $this->_createWorkflow('bar');
        $workflow->setValue('states', '[bar]\nlabel=bar label')

        $tests = $this->_getTestWorkflowFormGoodData();

        // loop throught all tests
        foreach ($tests as $test) {
            $this->_verifyGoodPost('/workflow/edit/id/bar', 'edit', $test);
Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTest::testIndexAction ( )

Test manage workflows grid.


        // verify that workflows grid is accessible

        $this->assertModule('workflow', 'Expected module for dispatching /workflow action.');
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller for dispatching /workflow action.');
        $this->assertAction('index', 'Expected action for dispatching /workflow action.');

        // verify that table and dojo data elements exist
        $this->assertXpath('//div[@dojotype=""]', 'Expected div');
            '//table[@dojotype="p4cms.ui.grid.DataGrid" and @jsid="p4cms.workflow.grid.instance"]',
            'Expected dojox.grid table'

        // verify add and reset buttons appear
        // verify save and restore buttons appear
            "div.button button.add-button",
            "Add Workflow",
            "Expected existence of Add Workflow button."
            "div.button button",
            "Reset to Defaults",
            "Expected existence of Reset to Defaults button."

        // check initial JSON output
        $body = $this->response->getBody();
        $this->assertModule('workflow', 'Expected module, dispatch #2. '. $body);
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller, dispatch #2 '. $body);
        $this->assertAction('index', 'Expected action, dispatch #2 '. $body);

        // verify there are no items in the grid
        $data = Zend_Json::decode($body);
            'Expected no workflows.'

        // add few workflows and verify they appear

        // sort by label
        $body = $this->response->getBody();
        $this->assertModule('workflow', 'Expected module, dispatch #3. '. $body);
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller, dispatch #3 '. $body);
        $this->assertAction('index', 'Expected action, dispatch #3 '. $body);

        $data = Zend_Json::decode($body);
        $expected = array(
            0 => array(
                'id'            => 'foo',
                'label'         => 'foo label',
                'description'   => 'foo description',
                'states'        => array(),
                'contentTypes'  => array()
            1 => array(
                'id'            => 'test',
                'label'         => 'test label',
                'description'   => 'test description',
                'states'        => array(),
                'contentTypes'  => array()

            'Expected 2 workflows.'
Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTest::testReset ( )

Test workflows reset action.


        $workflows = array('workflow1', 'workflow2');
        foreach ($workflows as $workflow) {

        // ensure worflows are there
        foreach ($workflows as $workflow) {
                "Expected '$workflow' workflow exists."

        // reset workflows

        $this->assertModule('workflow',     'Expected module when workflow reset.');
        $this->assertController('index',    'Expected controller when workflow reset.');
        $this->assertAction('reset',        'Expected action when workflow reset.');

        // ensure there are only default workflows
        $defaultWorkflows = Workflow_Model_Workflow::fetchAll();
            "Expected 1 workflow after reset."
            "Expected presence of 'Simple' workflow after reset"

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