6.6. Adding Menu Items

To add a new menu item:

  1. Click Manage in the Perforce Chronicle toolbar.
  2. Click Menus.

    The Manage Menus screen is displayed.
  3. Click Add Menu Item. The Add Menu Item dialog is displayed.
  4. Define the menu by specifying the following information:
    A friendly label to identify this item.
    The position of a menu item is expressed with the two selection controls. The first control includes the choices After, Before, and Under, which indicate a position relative to the choice made in the second selection. The second control provides a list of existing menus.
    Choose from the list of menu item types, including the defaults described in Section 6.1, “Overview”.
    Type-Specific Fields
    The fields appearing between Type and Target vary depending on the menu item type:

    Table 6.1. Menu Item Type-Specific Fields

    Type Field Description
    Action Action Select an action from the list of all actions provided by all enabled modules; when this menu item is clicked, the selection action is invoked. Note that some actions may not behave well when invoked via a menu item.
    Parameters Express any parameters to be passed to the selected action in INI format.
    Content Entry Accepts a content id, which you can browse for by clicking Browse. When this menu item is clicked, the selected content entry is displayed.
    Action Determines the link's action to display the content entry's page, display the content entry as an image (also works for PDFs), or download the content entry.
    Heading This menu item just occupies space in the menu and is not clickable.
    Link Address Enter a URL to visit when this menu item is clicked.
    Active User's Profile When this menu item is clicked, the active user's profile page is displayed.
    Login/Logout If the current user is not logged in, this menu item is labeled Login and when clicked, the user is presented with the login form. If the current user is logged in, this menu item is labeled Logout and when clicked, the user is logged out of Chronicle
    Category Listing Maximum Depth Categories can be hierarchical. This field lets you specify how many levels of categories to display.
    Maximum Items This field lets you specify how many category entries, at most, to display.
    Include Content This field toggles the display of content associated with the listed categories.
    Content Listing Maximum Items This field lets you specify how many content entries, at most, to display.

    Choose the browser window that should be used when this menu item is clicked. The options are Current Window, New Window, Top Window, Parent Window.
    CSS Class
    You can specify a CSS class to help style this menu item differently than other menu items. You may need access to the current theme, specifically to edit its stylesheet files, to use this option effectively.
  5. Click Save.

6.6.1. How to Add a Menu Item for a Content Entry While Editing

[Note] Content Entries in Menus

You can create as many menu items for a content entry as you require.

Perforce Chronicle - Release: 2012.2/486814