Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation

P4Cms_User Class Reference

This is the user model. More...

Inheritance diagram for P4Cms_User:
P4Cms_Record_Connected P4Cms_Model P4Cms_ModelInterface Cron_Model_User

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 authenticate ()
 Performs an authentication attempt.
 createPersonalAdapter ($ticket=null, P4Cms_Site $site=null)
 Generate a storage adapter that communicates with Perforce as this user.
 delete ()
 Delete this user entry.
 getAggregateRole (P4Cms_Acl $acl=null)
 Generate a single role that inherits from all of the roles that this user has and register it with the acl temporarily (the role is not saved).
 getAllowedPrivileges ($resource, P4Cms_Acl $acl=null)
 Return list of all privileges for which user has access to a given resource.
 getEmail ()
 Return the user's email-address.
 getFullName ()
 Return the user's full name.
 getPassword ()
 Get the in-memory password (if one is set).
 getPersonalAdapter ()
 Get the personalized record storage adapter for this user.
 getRoles ()
 Get the roles that this user belongs to.
 hasPersonalAdapter ()
 Determine if a personalized adapter has been set for this user.
 isAdministrator ()
 Determine if this user has administrator role.
 isAllowed ($resource, $privilege=null, P4Cms_Acl $acl=null)
 Determine if this user is allowed to access a particular resource and (optionally) a particular privilege on the resource.
 isAnonymous ()
 Determine if this user is anonymous (has no id).
 isMember ()
 Determine if this user has member role.
 isPassword ($password)
 Test if the given password is correct for this user.
 save ()
 Save this user entry.
 setAdapter (P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter)
 Overrides parent to set adapter's connection for associated P4_User in addition.
 setEmail ($email)
 Set the user's email-address.
 setFullName ($name)
 Set the user's full name.
 setId ($id)
 Set the user id - extended to proxy to p4 user.
 setPassword ($newPassword, $oldPassword=null)
 Set the user's password to the given password.
 setPersonalAdapter (P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter=null)
 Set the personal storage adapter for this user.

Static Public Member Functions

static clearActive ()
 Clear the active user.
static clearRolesCache ()
 Clear the static roles cache entirely.
static count ($options=array(), P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter=null)
 Count all users - extended to route through fetch all.
static exists ($username, $options=null, P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter=null)
 Check if the named user exists.
static fetch ($username, array $options=null, P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter=null)
 Fetch the named user.
static fetchActive ()
 Fetch the currently active user.
static fetchAll (array $options=null, P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter=null)
 Fetch all users in the system (ie.
static fetchByRole ($role, P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter=null)
 Fetch all role member users.
static generatePassword ($length, $strength=0)
 Generate a pseudo-random password, alternating consonants and vowels to assist human readability.
static hasActive ()
 Determine if there is an active user.
static setActive (P4Cms_User $user)
 Set the active user.

Public Attributes

const FETCH_BY_NAME = 'name'
const FETCH_MAXIMUM = 'maximum'
const FETCH_SYSTEM_USER = 'systemUser'

Protected Member Functions

 _getP4User ()
 Get the p4 user object that corresponds to this user.
 _setP4User ($user)
 Set the corresponding p4 user object instance.

Protected Attributes

 $_p4User = null
 $_personalAdapter = null

Static Protected Attributes

static $_acl = null
static $_activeUser = null
static $_fields
static $_idField = 'id'
static $_rolesCache = array()

Detailed Description

This is the user model.

Each user corresponds to a user in Perforce.

2011-2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved
Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.

Member Function Documentation

P4Cms_User::_getP4User ( ) [protected]

Get the p4 user object that corresponds to this user.

P4_User corresponding p4 user instance.
        // only instantiate user once.
        if (!$this->_p4User instanceof P4_User) {
            $connection = $this->hasAdapter()
                ? $this->getAdapter()->getConnection()
                : null;
            $this->_p4User = new P4_User($connection);

        return $this->_p4User;
P4Cms_User::_setP4User ( user) [protected]

Set the corresponding p4 user object instance.

Used when fetching users to prime the user object.

P4_User$userthe corresponding P4_User object.
P4Cms_User provides fluent interface.
P4Cms_User_Exceptionif the user is anonymous or if the given user is not a valid P4_User object.
        // anonymous users can't have a corresponding perforce user.
        if ($this->isAnonymous()) {
            throw new P4Cms_User_Exception(
                "Cannot set p4 user for an anonymous user."

        if (!$user instanceof P4_User) {
            throw new P4Cms_User_Exception(
                "Cannot set p4 user. The given user is not a valid P4_User object."

        $this->_p4User = $user;

        return $this;
P4Cms_User::authenticate ( )

Performs an authentication attempt.

Zend_Auth_Adapter_ExceptionIf authentication cannot be performed
        // authenticate against current p4 server.
        $p4 = P4_Connection::factory(

        try {
            $ticket = $p4->login();

            // deny if user has no real roles
            if (!$this->getRoles()->count()) {
                return new Zend_Auth_Result(
                    array('At least one role is required for successful authentication.')

            return new Zend_Auth_Result(
                array('id' => $this->getId(), 'ticket' => $ticket)
        } catch (P4_Connection_LoginException $e) {
            return new Zend_Auth_Result(
static P4Cms_User::clearActive ( ) [static]

Clear the active user.

        static::$_activeUser = null;
static P4Cms_User::clearRolesCache ( ) [static]

Clear the static roles cache entirely.

        static::$_rolesCache = array();
static P4Cms_User::count ( options = array(),
P4Cms_Record_Adapter adapter = null 
) [static]

Count all users - extended to route through fetch all.

array$optionsoptional - array of options to augment count
P4Cms_Record_Adapter$adapteroptional - storage adapter to use.
integer The count of all matching records
        return static::fetchAll($options, $adapter)->count();
P4Cms_User::createPersonalAdapter ( ticket = null,
P4Cms_Site site = null 

Generate a storage adapter that communicates with Perforce as this user.

string$ticketoptional - auth ticket to use for p4 connection
P4Cms_Site$siteoptional - site to get personal adapter for (defaults to active site)
P4Cms_Record_Adapter a personalized storage adapter.
        $site = $site ?: P4Cms_Site::fetchActive();

        // to avoid problems that result from multiple processes
        // sharing one client (namely race conditions), we generate
        // a temporary client for each request.
        $tempClientId = P4_Client::makeTempId();

        // create connection based on the active site.
        $connection = P4_Connection::factory(
            $ticket ?: null

        // store client files under given site's workspaces path.
        $root = $site->getWorkspacesPath() . "/" . $tempClientId;

        // provide a custom clean-up callback to delete the workspace folder.
        $cleanup = function($entry, $defaultCallback) use ($root)

        // create the client with the values we've setup above, using
        // makeTemp() so that it will be destroyed automatically.
                'Client' => $tempClientId,
                'Stream' => $site->getId(),
                'Root'   => $root

        // create personal adapter based on site adapter.
        $adapter = new P4Cms_Record_Adapter;
                ->setBasePath("//" . $connection->getClient())

        return $adapter;
P4Cms_User::delete ( )

Delete this user entry.

P4Cms_User provides fluent interface.
        // if user with personal adapter (active user) is going to be deleted,
        // run disconnect callbacks before removing the user from Perforce,
        // otherwise user may be resurrected if disconnect callbacks use
        // user's connection (e.g. for user's workspace clean-up etc.)
        if ($this->hasPersonalAdapter()) {
            $connection = $this->getPersonalAdapter()->getConnection();

            // run disconnect callbacks and clear them after to ensure they
            // are not called again after user is removed from Perforce

        // delete the user spec last

        // disconnect user with personal adapter
        if (isset($connection)) {

        return $this;
static P4Cms_User::exists ( username,
options = null,
P4Cms_Record_Adapter adapter = null 
) [static]

Check if the named user exists.

string$usernamethe username of the user to look for.
array | null$optionsoptional - no options are presently supported.
P4Cms_Record_Adapter$adapteroptional - storage adapter to use.
bool true if the user exists, false otherwise.
        if (!is_array($options) && !is_null($options)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                'Options must be an array or null'

        try {
            static::fetch($username, null, $adapter);
            return true;
        } catch (P4Cms_Model_NotFoundException $e) {
            return false;
        } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
            return false;
static P4Cms_User::fetch ( username,
array $  options = null,
P4Cms_Record_Adapter adapter = null 
) [static]

Fetch the named user.

string$usernamethe username of the user to fetch.
array | null$optionsoptional - no options are presently supported.
P4Cms_Record_Adapter$adapteroptional - storage adapter to use.
P4Cms_User instance of the requested user.
P4Cms_Model_NotFoundExceptionif the requested user does not exist.
        if (!is_array($options) && !is_null($options)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                'Options must be an array or null'

        $adapter = $adapter ?: static::getDefaultAdapter();

        // attempt to fetch user from perforce.
        try {
            $p4User = P4_User::fetch($username, $adapter->getConnection());
        } catch (P4_Spec_NotFoundException $e) {
            throw new P4Cms_Model_NotFoundException(
                "Cannot fetch user. User '$username' does not exist."

        // create new user instance
        $user = new static;

        return $user;
static P4Cms_User::fetchActive ( ) [static]

Fetch the currently active user.

Guaranteed to return the active user model or throw an exception.

P4Cms_User the currently active user.
P4Cms_User_Exceptionif there is no currently active user.
        if (!static::$_activeUser || !static::$_activeUser instanceof P4Cms_User) {
            throw new P4Cms_User_Exception("There is no currently active user.");

        return static::$_activeUser;
static P4Cms_User::fetchAll ( array $  options = null,
P4Cms_Record_Adapter adapter = null 
) [static]

Fetch all users in the system (ie.

get users from Perforce).

array$optionsoptional - array of options to augment fetch behavior. supported options are:

FETCH_MAXIMUM - set to integer value to limit to the first 'max' number of entries. FETCH_BY_NAME - set to user name pattern (e.g. 'jdo*'), can be a single string or array of strings. FETCH_SYSTEM_USER - set to true to include the system user defaults to false (system user is excluded)

P4Cms_Record_Adapter$adapteroptional - storage adapter to use.
P4Cms_Model_Iterator all users in the system.
        $adapter = $adapter ?: static::getDefaultAdapter();

        $users = new P4Cms_Model_Iterator;
        foreach (P4_User::fetchAll($options, $adapter->getConnection()) as $p4User) {
            $user = new static;

            $users[] = $user;

        // exclude system user by default
        if ((!isset($options[static::FETCH_SYSTEM_USER]) || !$options[static::FETCH_SYSTEM_USER])
            && P4Cms_Site::hasActive()
        ) {
            // we assume the active site is running as the system user; get the id
            $systemUser = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getConnection()->getUser();
            $users->filter('id', $systemUser, array(P4Cms_Model_Iterator::FILTER_INVERSE));

        return $users;
static P4Cms_User::fetchByRole ( role,
P4Cms_Record_Adapter adapter = null 
) [static]

Fetch all role member users.

P4Cms_Acl_Role | string | array$rolerole or list of roles to fetch members of.
P4Cms_Record_Adapter$adapteroptional, storage adapter to use.
P4Cms_Model_Iterator role(s) member users.
        if (is_string($role) || $role instanceof P4Cms_Acl_Role) {
            $roles = array($role);
        } else if (is_array($role)) {
            $roles = $role;
        } else {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                "Role must be an instance of P4Cms_Acl_Role or a string or an array."

        $users = array();
        foreach ($roles as $role) {
            // if role is not instance of P4Cms_Acl_Role, try to fetch it
            if (!$role instanceof P4Cms_Acl_Role) {
                if (!P4Cms_Acl_Role::exists($role, null, $adapter)) {
                $role = P4Cms_Acl_Role::fetch($role, null, $adapter);

            // add role users to the users list
            $users = array_merge($users, $role->getUsers());

        // early exit if no users to fetch
        if (!count($users)) {
            return new P4Cms_Model_Iterator;

        // fetch all member users
        return static::fetchAll(array(static::FETCH_BY_NAME => array_unique($users)), $adapter);
static P4Cms_User::generatePassword ( length,
strength = 0 
) [static]

Generate a pseudo-random password, alternating consonants and vowels to assist human readability.

Password strength is flexible:

0 = lowercase letters only 1 = add uppercase consonants 2 = add uppercase vowels 3 = add numbers 4 = add special characters

integer$lengththe desired length of the password.
integer$strengththe desired strength of the password.
string the generated password.
        // vowels and consonants excluding the letters o, i and l
        // because they can be mistaken for other letters or numbers.
        $vowels     = 'aeuy';
        $consonants = 'bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyz';

        if ($strength >= 1) {
            $consonants .= strtoupper($consonants);

        if ($strength >= 2) {
            $vowels .= strtoupper($vowels);

        // excludes the numbers 0 and 1 because they can be mistaken for letters.
        if ($strength >= 3) {
            $consonants .= '23456789';

        if ($strength >= 4) {
            $consonants .= '@$%^';

        $password = '';
        $alt      = rand() % 2;

        for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
            if ($alt == 1) {
                $password .= $consonants[ (rand() % strlen($consonants)) ];
                $alt = 0;
            } else {
                $password .= $vowels[ (rand() % strlen($vowels)) ];
                $alt = 1;

        return $password;
P4Cms_User::getAggregateRole ( P4Cms_Acl acl = null)

Generate a single role that inherits from all of the roles that this user has and register it with the acl temporarily (the role is not saved).

This allows us to specify a single role when checking if the user is allowed access to a given resource/privilege.

P4Cms_Acl | null$acloptional - the acl to check against. defaults to the currently active acl.
string the id of the generated role combining all this user's roles or the id of an existing role if the user has only one.
P4Cms_User_Exceptionif the user has no roles.
        $acl = $acl ?: P4Cms_Acl::fetchActive();

        // can't get aggregate role if no roles.
        $roles = $this->getRoles();
        if (count($roles) == 0) {
            throw new P4Cms_User_Exception(
                "Cannot get aggregate role for a user with no roles."

        // no need to aggregate if user has one role.
        if (count($roles) <= 1) {
            return $roles->first()->getId();

        // generate unique name.
        $i      = 0;
        $roles  = $roles->invoke('getId');
        $roleId = $this->getId() . "-" . implode('-', $roles);
        while ($acl->hasRole($roleId)) {
            $roleId = $this->getId() . "-" . implode('-', $roles) . "-" . ++$i;

        // register role as super if any of the partial roles is super
        foreach ($roles as $role) {
            if (P4Cms_Acl_Role::isSuper($role)) {

        // add role to acl, but don't save role.
        $acl->addRole($roleId, $roles);

        return $roleId;
P4Cms_User::getAllowedPrivileges ( resource,
P4Cms_Acl acl = null 

Return list of all privileges for which user has access to a given resource.

P4Cms_Acl_Resource | string$resourcethe resource to check access to.
P4Cms_Acl | null$acloptional - the acl to check against. defaults to the currently active acl.
array list of all privileges for which user user has access to a given resource.
        $acl        = $acl ?: P4Cms_Acl::fetchActive();
        $roles      = $this->getRoles()->toArray(true);
        $privileges = array();

        // user is allowed access if any of the roles are.
        foreach ($roles as $role) {
            $privileges = array_merge(
                $acl->getAllowedPrivileges($role, $resource)

        return array_unique($privileges);
P4Cms_User::getEmail ( )

Return the user's email-address.

string|null the user's email address
        return $this->_getP4User()->getEmail();
P4Cms_User::getFullName ( )

Return the user's full name.

string|null the user's full name
        return $this->_getP4User()->getFullName();
P4Cms_User::getPassword ( )

Get the in-memory password (if one is set).

string|null the in-memory password.
        return $this->_getP4User()->getPassword();
P4Cms_User::getPersonalAdapter ( )

Get the personalized record storage adapter for this user.

P4Cms_Record_Adapter a personalized storage adapter.
P4Cms_User_Exceptionif no personal adapter has been set.
        // balk if no adapter set.
        if (!$this->_personalAdapter instanceof P4Cms_Record_Adapter) {
            throw new P4Cms_User_Exception(
                "Cannot get personal storage adapter. No personal adapter has been set."

        return $this->_personalAdapter;
P4Cms_User::getRoles ( )

Get the roles that this user belongs to.

Caches the results of P4Cms_Acl_Role::fetchAll().

P4Cms_Model_Iterator the roles that this user is a member of.
        // if user is un-identified, user belongs to anonymous role
        if ($this->isAnonymous()) {
            $role    = new P4Cms_Acl_Role;
            $roles   = new P4Cms_Model_Iterator;
            $roles[] = $role;

            return $roles;

        // for other users, roles are cached based on the adapter and user id
        $adapter  = $this->getAdapter();
        $userId   = $this->getId();
        $cacheKey = spl_object_hash($adapter) . md5($userId);

        // load the user roles (but only fetch them once)
        if (!array_key_exists($cacheKey, static::$_rolesCache)) {
            // fetch roles that user is a member of
            $roles = P4Cms_Acl_Role::fetchAll(
                array(P4Cms_Acl_Role::FETCH_BY_MEMBER => $userId),

            static::$_rolesCache[$cacheKey] = $roles;

        return static::$_rolesCache[$cacheKey];
static P4Cms_User::hasActive ( ) [static]

Determine if there is an active user.

boolean true if there is an active user
        try {
            return true;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            return false;
P4Cms_User::hasPersonalAdapter ( )

Determine if a personalized adapter has been set for this user.

bool true if a personal adapter is set; false otherwise.
        try {
            return true;
        } catch (P4Cms_User_Exception $e) {
            return false;
P4Cms_User::isAdministrator ( )

Determine if this user has administrator role.

bool true if the user has administrator role, false otherwise.
        return in_array(P4Cms_Acl_Role::ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR, $this->getRoles()->invoke('getId'));
P4Cms_User::isAllowed ( resource,
privilege = null,
P4Cms_Acl acl = null 

Determine if this user is allowed to access a particular resource and (optionally) a particular privilege on the resource.

P4Cms_Acl_Resource | string$resourcethe resource to check access to.
P4Cms_Acl_Privilege | string | null$privilegeoptional - the privilege to check.
P4Cms_Acl | null$acloptional - the acl to check against. defaults to the currently active acl.
bool true if the user is allowed access to the resource.

p4cms.acl.users.privileges Gathers the resource privileges for authorization checks, or for presentation by the User module. P4Cms_Acl_Resource $resource The resource that must be checked for appropriate privileges.

Reimplemented in Cron_Model_User.

        $acl = $acl ?: P4Cms_Acl::fetchActive();

        // user is allowed access if any of the roles are.
        foreach ($this->getRoles() as $role) {
            try {
                if ($acl->isAllowed($role, $resource, $privilege)) {
                    return true;
            } catch (Zend_Acl_Exception $e) {
                // acl throws if the resource doesn't exist, but
                // we don't consider this a throw-able offense here.
                // we do however treat it as permission denied.

        return false;
P4Cms_User::isAnonymous ( )

Determine if this user is anonymous (has no id).

bool true if the user is anonymous.
        return !(bool) strlen($this->getId());
P4Cms_User::isMember ( )

Determine if this user has member role.

bool true if the user has member role, false otherwise.
        return in_array(P4Cms_Acl_Role::ROLE_MEMBER, $this->getRoles()->invoke('getId'));
P4Cms_User::isPassword ( password)

Test if the given password is correct for this user.

string$passwordthe password to test.
bool true if the password is correct, false otherwise.
        return $this->_getP4User()->isPassword($password);
P4Cms_User::save ( )

Save this user entry.

P4Cms_User provides fluent interface.
        // save the user spec.

        return $this;
static P4Cms_User::setActive ( P4Cms_User user) [static]

Set the active user.

P4Cms_User$userthe user model instance to make active.
        static::$_activeUser = $user;
P4Cms_User::setAdapter ( P4Cms_Record_Adapter adapter)

Overrides parent to set adapter's connection for associated P4_User in addition.

P4Cms_Record_Adapter$adapterthe adapter to use for this instance.
P4Cms_User provides fluent interface.

Reimplemented from P4Cms_Record_Connected.

        return parent::setAdapter($adapter);
P4Cms_User::setEmail ( email)

Set the user's email-address.

string | null$emailthe user's email address
P4Cms_User provides fluent interface

        return $this;
P4Cms_User::setFullName ( name)

Set the user's full name.

string | null$namethe user's full name
P4Cms_User provides fluent interface

        return $this;
P4Cms_User::setId ( id)

Set the user id - extended to proxy to p4 user.

string | int | null$idthe identifier of this record.
P4Cms_Record provides fluent interface.

Reimplemented from P4Cms_Model.


        return parent::setId($id);
P4Cms_User::setPassword ( newPassword,
oldPassword = null 

Set the user's password to the given password.

Does not take effect until save() is called.

string | null$newPasswordthe new password string or null to clear in-memory password.
string$oldPasswordoptional - existing password.
P4_User provides fluent interface.
        $this->_getP4User()->setPassword($newPassword, $oldPassword);

        return $this;
P4Cms_User::setPersonalAdapter ( P4Cms_Record_Adapter adapter = null)

Set the personal storage adapter for this user.

P4Cms_Record_Adapter$adapterthe personal adapter
P4Cms_User provides fluent interface
        $this->_personalAdapter = $adapter;

        return $this;

Member Data Documentation

P4Cms_User::$_acl = null [static, protected]
P4Cms_User::$_activeUser = null [static, protected]
P4Cms_User::$_fields [static, protected]
Initial value:
        'fullName'      => array(
            'accessor'  => 'getFullName',
            'mutator'   => 'setFullName'
        'email'         => array(
            'accessor'  => 'getEmail',
            'mutator'   => 'setEmail'
        'password'      => array(
            'accessor'  => 'getPassword',
            'mutator'   => 'setPassword'

Reimplemented from P4Cms_Model.

P4Cms_User::$_idField = 'id' [static, protected]

Reimplemented from P4Cms_Model.

P4Cms_User::$_p4User = null [protected]
P4Cms_User::$_personalAdapter = null [protected]
P4Cms_User::$_rolesCache = array() [static, protected]
const P4Cms_User::FETCH_BY_NAME = 'name'
const P4Cms_User::FETCH_MAXIMUM = 'maximum'
const P4Cms_User::FETCH_SYSTEM_USER = 'systemUser'

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: