Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation

Site_Form_Branch Class Reference

Form to add site branches. More...

Inheritance diagram for Site_Form_Branch:
P4Cms_Form Site_Form_EditBranch

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 init ()
 Setup form to collect branch information.
 isValid ($data)
 Validate the form, ensure id isn't empty (id is based on a filtered version of the name).
 setDefaults ($defaults)
 Override parent to update 'site' and 'parent' elements options when form is populated.

Protected Member Functions

 _isBranchAddressTaken ($setError=true)
 Helper function to ensure that branch urls are not taken.
 _updateParentOptions ()
 Set options for 'parent' element.

Detailed Description

Form to add site branches.

2011-2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved
Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.

Member Function Documentation

Site_Form_Branch::_isBranchAddressTaken ( setError = true) [protected]

Helper function to ensure that branch urls are not taken.

boolean$setErroroptional - whether to set error on urls element if url was already taken (true by default)
boolean true if any of the urls present in 'urls' field value has already been taken by some other branch
        // prepare callback function to return given url with no schema
        $normalizeUrlCallback = function($url)
            $url = stripos($url, 'http://')  === 0 ? substr($url, 7) : $url;
            $url = stripos($url, 'https://') === 0 ? substr($url, 8) : $url;

            return $url;

        // compose list of taken branch urls
        $branchId = $this->getValue('id');
        $taken    = array();
        foreach (P4Cms_Site::fetchAll() as $branch) {
            if ($branch->getId() !== $branchId) {
                $taken = array_merge(
                    array_map($normalizeUrlCallback, $branch->getConfig()->getUrls())

        // check if any url passed in urls element is already taken
        $urls    = $this->getValue('urls');
        $urls    = array_filter(array_map('trim', preg_split("/\n|,/", $urls)));
        $isTaken = false;
        foreach ($urls as $url) {
            $url = $normalizeUrlCallback(trim($url));
            if (in_array($url, $taken)) {
                $isTaken = true;
                if ($setError) {
                        "Url '$url' is already taken by other branch."

        return $isTaken;
Site_Form_Branch::_updateParentOptions ( ) [protected]

Set options for 'parent' element.

        // deal with edit and add cases separately
        //   add: determine site from form's site value, fall back to first site
        //  edit: determine site from existing branch, remove site element and,
        //        if editing a mainline, remove parent element (mainline can't have parent)
        $parentId = null;
        $branchId = $this->getValue('id');
        if (!$branchId) {
            $siteElement = $this->getElement('site');
            $options     = $siteElement->getMultiOptions();
            reset($options);    // we need this reset as the cursor isn't on the first option
            $siteId      = $siteElement->getValue() ?: key($options);
        } else {
            $site        = P4Cms_Site::fetch($branchId);
            $siteId      = $site->getSiteId();
            $stream      = $site->getStream();
            $parentId    = $stream->getParent();

            // we are editing, its impossible to change the site, so we remove the element

            // if we are editing the mainline, no need for parent at all
            // and therefore nothing more to do in this method (return)
            if ($stream->getType() === 'mainline') {

        // generate parent options (filter for branches on selected site)
        $options  = array();
        $disabled = array();
        $exclude  = array();
        $user     = P4Cms_User::fetchActive();
        $branches = P4Cms_Site::fetchAll(array(P4Cms_Site::FETCH_BY_SITE => $siteId));
        foreach ($branches as $branch) {
            // during edit, exclude the branch we are editing and all of its children
            // (prevent user from trying to move branch under itself)
            $stream = $branch->getStream();
            $id     = $branch->getId();
            if ($id === $branchId || in_array($stream->getParent(), $exclude)) {
                if (!in_array($id, $exclude)) {
                    $exclude[] = $id;

            // disable branches that we are not allowed to pull-from.
            // unless we are editing and that branch is already our parent
            if ($id !== $parentId && !$user->isAllowed('branch', 'pull-from', $branch->getAcl())) {
                $disabled[] = $id;

            // indent option label according to branch depth
            $prefix       = str_repeat(static::UTF8_NBSP, $stream->getDepth() * 2);
            $options[$id] = $prefix . $stream->getName();

             ->setAttrib('disable', $disabled);
Site_Form_Branch::init ( )

Setup form to collect branch information.

Reimplemented in Site_Form_EditBranch.

        // set the method for the form to POST

        // set id prefix to avoid collisions with other in-page forms.

        $this->addElement('hidden', 'id', array('ignore' => true));

                'label'         => 'Name',
                'required'      => true,
                'filters'       => array('StringTrim')

        // generate list of possible source sites
        $siteOptions  = array();
        $fetchOptions = array(P4Cms_Site::FETCH_BY_ACL => array('branch', 'pull-from'));
        foreach (P4Cms_Site::fetchAll($fetchOptions) as $site) {
            if (!array_key_exists($site->getSiteId(), $siteOptions)) {
                $siteOptions[$site->getSiteId()] = $site->getConfig()->getTitle();
                'label'         => 'Site',
                'required'      => true,
                'multiOptions'  => $siteOptions

                'label'         => 'Branch From',
                'required'      => true

        // add a field to collect the site description.
                'label'         => 'Description',
                'rows'          => 3,
                'cols'          => 56,
                'required'      => false,
                'filters'       => array('StringTrim')

        // add a field to collect the branch's urls.
                'label'         => 'Branch Address',
                'rows'          => 3,
                'cols'          => 56,
                'description'   => "Optionally provide a list of urls for which this branch will be served.<br/>"
                                .  "For example:,"

        // add the submit button
                'label'     => 'Save',
                'class'     => 'preferred',
                'required'  => false,
                'ignore'    => true

        // put the button in a fieldset.
                'class' => 'buttons',
                'order' => 100
Site_Form_Branch::isValid ( data)

Validate the form, ensure id isn't empty (id is based on a filtered version of the name).

array$datathe data to validate.

Reimplemented from P4Cms_Form.

        $isValid = parent::isValid($data);

        $name    = isset($data['name']) ? $data['name'] : '';
        $filter  = new P4Cms_Filter_TitleToId;
        if ($name && !$filter->filter($name)) {
                "Name must contain at least one letter or number."
            $isValid = false;

        // ensure branch urls are unique within all branches
        return $isValid && !$this->_isBranchAddressTaken();
Site_Form_Branch::setDefaults ( defaults)

Override parent to update 'site' and 'parent' elements options when form is populated.

P4Cms_Record | array$defaultsthe default values to set on elements
Site_Form_Branch provides fluent interface

Reimplemented from P4Cms_Form.


        return $this;

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