Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation

Site_Test_BranchControllerTest Class Reference

Test the site branch controller. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 testAddForm ()
 Ensure that the proper form is returned when an add request is sent.
 testAddGoodPost ()
 Test a valid add form submission.
 testDelete ()
 Test delete action.
 testEditAction ()
 Tets branch edit action.
 testEditId ()
 Test edit with bad branch id.
 testManageActive ()
 Test manage active page - should redirect to manage.
 testManageEmpty ()
 Test the manage action with no additional sites.
 testManageSites ()
 Test management pages with sites created.
 testPullCopy ()
 Tests pull action with a copy request.
 testPullDetailsMerge ()
 Test for the pull details action with valid params.
 testPullDetailsNoParams ()
 Test for the pull details action with no params; expects an InvalidArgumentException.
 testPullFormChanges ()
 Tests pull action with a merge request.
 testPullFormEmpty ()
 Tests pull action with no changes to pull.
 testPullMerge ()
 Tests pull action with a merge request.
 testSwitch ()
 Test the switch action.

Protected Member Functions

 _createBranches (array $branches, P4Cms_Site $site=null)
 Creates several branches of the given site for testing (does not copy any data from parent).
 _createContentChanges ()
 Adds a content type and a content entry to the current active site.

Detailed Description

Test the site branch controller.

2011-2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved
Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.

Member Function Documentation

Site_Test_BranchControllerTest::_createBranches ( array $  branches,
P4Cms_Site site = null 
) [protected]

Creates several branches of the given site for testing (does not copy any data from parent).

array$brancheslist of branches names to create for the given site.
P4Cms_Site$siteoptional - site to create branches for (active site if not provided).
        $site = $site ?: P4Cms_Site::fetchActive();

        foreach ($branches as $name) {
            $stream = new P4_Stream();
            $stream->setId('//' . $site->getSiteId() . '/' . $name)
                   ->setDescription('Description for ' . $name)
                   ->setPaths('share ...')

            $newSite = P4Cms_Site::fetch($stream->getId());
            $acl     = $newSite->getAcl();
Site_Test_BranchControllerTest::_createContentChanges ( ) [protected]

Adds a content type and a content entry to the current active site.

        $type = new P4Cms_Content_Type;
             ->setLabel('Test Type')
                    "title" => array(
                        "type"      => "text",
                        "options"   => array("label" => "Title", "required" => true)
                    "body"  => array(
                        "type"      => "textarea",
                        "options"   => array("label" => "Body")
             ->setValue('icon', file_get_contents(TEST_ASSETS_PATH . "/images/content-type-icon.png"))
             ->setFieldMetadata('icon', array("mimeType" => "image/png"))
             ->setValue('group', 'test')

        $entry = new P4Cms_Content;
            ->setValue('contentType', 'test-type')
            ->setValue('title',       "Title!")
            ->setValue('body',        str_repeat('.', 25))
Site_Test_BranchControllerTest::testAddForm ( )

Ensure that the proper form is returned when an add request is sent.


        $this->assertModule('site',       'Expected module, line ' . __LINE__);
        $this->assertController('branch', 'Expected controller, line ' . __LINE__);
        $this->assertAction('add',     'Expected action, line ' . __LINE__);

        // ensure that required form inputs are presented correctly.
        $this->assertQuery("#layout-main form",     "Expected add form.");
        $this->assertQuery("input[name='name']",    "Expected name input.");
        $this->assertQuery("select[name='site']",   "Expected site select input.");
        $this->assertQuery("select[name='parent']", "Expected parent select input.");
            "select[name='parent'] option[value='//chronicle-test/live']",
            "Expected live parent option."
        $this->assertQuery("input[type='submit']",  "Expected submit button.");
Site_Test_BranchControllerTest::testAddGoodPost ( )

Test a valid add form submission.

        // save acl so it can be loaded from the site as needed

        $branchName = 'test';

        // form request with required fields.
        $this->request->setPost('name',   $branchName);
        $this->request->setPost('parent', '//chronicle-test/live');
        $this->request->setPost('site',   'chronicle-test');

        $this->assertModule('site',       'Expected module, line ' . __LINE__);
        $this->assertController('branch', 'Expected controller, line ' . __LINE__);
        $this->assertAction('add',        'Expected action, line ' . __LINE__);

        $id = '//' . P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getSiteId() . '/' . $branchName;

        $sites = P4Cms_Site::fetchAll();
        $this->assertSame(count($sites), 2, "Expected site count to include new branch.  " . __LINE__);

        try {
            $site = P4Cms_Site::fetch($id);
        catch (P4Cms_Model_NotFoundException $e) {
            $this->fail('Expected newly added branch with id ' . $id . ' to be present.');
        $stream = $site->getStream();
        $this->assertSame($stream->getName(), $branchName, 'Expected matching branch name, line ' . __LINE__);
            'Expected matching branch parent, line ' . __LINE__
        $this->assertSame($stream->getId(), $id, 'Expected matching branch id, line ' . __LINE__);
Site_Test_BranchControllerTest::testDelete ( )

Test delete action.


        // create test branch
        $name   = 'test';
        $siteId = '//' . P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getSiteId() . '/' . $name;

        $this->request->setPost('id', $siteId);


        $this->assertModule('site',       'Expected module, line ' . __LINE__);
        $this->assertController('branch', 'Expected controller, line ' . __LINE__);
        $this->assertAction('delete',     'Expected action, line ' . __LINE__);

        // verify deleted
        try {
            $site = P4Cms_Site::fetch($siteId);
        catch (P4Cms_Model_NotFoundException $e) {

        $this->fail('Expected branch with id ' . $siteId . ' to be deleted.');
Site_Test_BranchControllerTest::testEditAction ( )

Tets branch edit action.


        $active = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive();

        $stage  = P4Cms_Site::fetch('//' . $active->getSiteId() . '/stage');

        $this->_createBranches(array('test'), $stage);
        $test   = P4Cms_Site::fetch('//' . $active->getSiteId() . '/test');

            "Expected name of the 'test' branch."

        // edit 'test' branch
                'id'            => $test->getId(),
                'name'          => 'review',
                'description'   => 'review stage',
                'parent'        => '//' . $active->getSiteId() . '/live'

        $this->assertModule('site',       'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('branch', 'Expected controller.');
        $this->assertAction('edit',       'Expected action.');

        // verify that 'test' branch has been updated
        $branch = P4Cms_Site::fetch($test->getId());
        $stream = $branch->getStream();

            "Expected branch name."

            'review stage',
            "Expected branch description."

        // ensure that parent has been changed as requested
            '//' . $active->getSiteId() . '/live',
            "Expected changed branch parent."
Site_Test_BranchControllerTest::testEditId ( )

Test edit with bad branch id.


        $this->_createBranches(array('test', 'stage'));

        // try to edit with non-existing site id
        $this->request->setParam('id', '//' . P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getSiteId() . '/test-1');
        $this->assertModule('error',     'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller.');
        $this->assertAction('error',     'Expected action.');

        // verify it works with existing id
        $this->request->setParam('id', '//' . P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getSiteId() . '/test');

        $this->assertModule('site',       'Expected module #2.');
        $this->assertController('branch', 'Expected controller #2.');
        $this->assertAction('edit',       'Expected action #2.');
Site_Test_BranchControllerTest::testManageActive ( )

Test manage active page - should redirect to manage.


        $this->assertModule('site',       'Expected module, line ' . __LINE__);
        $this->assertController('branch', 'Expected controller, line ' . __LINE__);
        $this->assertAction('manage',     'Expected action, line ' . __LINE__);
Site_Test_BranchControllerTest::testManageEmpty ( )

Test the manage action with no additional sites.


        $this->assertModule('site',       'Expected module, line ' . __LINE__);
        $this->assertController('branch', 'Expected controller, line ' . __LINE__);
        $this->assertAction('manage',     'Expected action, line ' . __LINE__);

        // verify that table and dojo data elements exist
        $this->assertXpath('//div[@dojotype=""]', 'Expected div');
            '//table[@dojotype="p4cms.ui.grid.DataGrid" and @jsid=""]',
            'Expected dojox.grid table'

        // check JSON output

        $this->assertModule('site',       'Expected module, line ' . __LINE__);
        $this->assertController('branch', 'Expected controller, line ' . __LINE__);
        $this->assertAction('manage',     'Expected action, line ' . __LINE__);

        $body = $this->response->getBody();
        $data = Zend_Json::decode($body);

        //verify number of sites
            'Expected number of items'
Site_Test_BranchControllerTest::testManageSites ( )

Test management pages with sites created.


        $branchNames = array('fee', 'fi', 'fo', 'fum');

        $this->assertModule('site',       'Expected module, line ' . __LINE__);
        $this->assertController('branch', 'Expected controller, line ' . __LINE__);
        $this->assertAction('manage',     'Expected action, line ' . __LINE__);

        $body = $this->response->getBody();
        $data = Zend_Json::decode($body);

        array_unshift($branchNames, P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getBranchBasename());
        array_unshift($branchNames, 'testsite');

        // verify number of sites
            'Expected number of items'

        foreach ($data['items'] as $key => $branch) {
                'Expected branch named ' . $branchNames[$key] . ' in position ' . $key . ', line ' . __LINE__
Site_Test_BranchControllerTest::testPullCopy ( )

Tests pull action with a copy request.


        // create test branch
        $name = 'test';

        // switch to test branch, add some content, switch back
        P4Cms_Site::fetch('//' . P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getSiteId() . '/' . $name)->load();
        P4Cms_Site::fetch('//' . P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getSiteId() . '/' . 'live')->load();

        // modify content to ensure difference between branches
        P4Cms_Content::fetch("test")->setValue('title', 'Test?')->setValue('body', str_repeat(':', 25))->save();

        $change = P4_Change::fetchAll(
                P4_Change::FETCH_BY_STATUS => P4_Change::SUBMITTED_CHANGE,
                P4_Change::FETCH_MAXIMUM   => 1

                'headChange' => $change,
                'source'     => '//' . P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getSiteId() . '/' . $name,
                'target'     => 'live',
                'mode'       => Site_Form_Pull::MODE_COPY,
                'paths'      => array('content', 'content/published-entries', 'content/types')


        $this->assertModule('site',       'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('branch', 'Expected controller.');
        $this->assertAction('pull',       'Expected action.');

        $body = $this->response->getBody();
        $data = Zend_Json::decode($body);

            'Expected successful pull.  ' . print_r($data['errors'], true)
            "Pulled 2 items from 'test'.",
            'Expected message indicating successful pull of 2 records: ' . $data['message']
Site_Test_BranchControllerTest::testPullDetailsMerge ( )

Test for the pull details action with valid params.


        // create test branch
        $name = 'test';

        // switch to test branch, add some content, switch back
        P4Cms_Site::fetch('//' . P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getSiteId() . '/' . $name)->load();
        P4Cms_Site::fetch('//' . P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getSiteId() . '/' . 'live')->load();

        $query = http_build_query(
                'groupId'   => 'content',
                'source'    => '//' . P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getSiteId() . '/' . $name,
                'paths'     => array('content', 'content/unpublished-entries', 'content/types')

        $this->dispatch('/site/branch/pull-details/?' . $query);

        $body = $this->response->getBody();

        $this->assertModule('site',         'Expected site module.  ' . $body);
        $this->assertController('branch',   'Expected branch controller.  ' . $body);
        $this->assertAction('pull-details', 'Expected pull-details action.  ' . $body);

            'tbody tr td',
            'Test Type',
            'Expected content type is not present.  ' . $body

            'tbody tr td',
            'Expected content entry title is not present.  ' . $body
Site_Test_BranchControllerTest::testPullDetailsNoParams ( )

Test for the pull details action with no params; expects an InvalidArgumentException.



        $this->assertModule('error',     'Expected error module.');
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller.');
        $this->assertAction('error',     'Expected error action.');

            'dl dd',
            'Expected exception is not present, line '. __LINE__
Site_Test_BranchControllerTest::testPullFormChanges ( )

Tests pull action with a merge request.


        // create test branch
        $name = 'test';

        // switch to test branch, add some content, switch back
        P4Cms_Site::fetch('//' . P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getSiteId() . '/' . $name)->load();
        P4Cms_Site::fetch('//' . P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getSiteId() . '/' . 'live')->load();

        // pull content from test branch to live
            . urlencode('//chronicle-test/test')

        $this->assertModule('site',       'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('branch', 'Expected controller.');
        $this->assertAction('pull',       'Expected action.');

        $body = $this->response->getBody();

        // ensure that required form inputs are presented correctly.
        $this->assertQuery("form.pull-form",                      "Expected pull form." . $body);
        $this->assertQuery("input[name='headChange'][value='5']", "Expected headChange input with value 5." . $body);
        $this->assertQuery("select[name='source']",               "Expected source select." . $body);
        $this->assertQuery("input[name='target'][readOnly='1']",  "Expected readonly target input." . $body);
        $this->assertQuery("input[type='radio'][name='mode']",    "Expected mode radio selector." . $body);

        // expect 5 paths: Content parent, Published Entries and Type children; Configuration parent, Permissions child
            "Expected 5 paths available to pull." . $body
Site_Test_BranchControllerTest::testPullFormEmpty ( )

Tests pull action with no changes to pull.



            . urlencode('//' . P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getSiteId() . '/test')

        $this->assertModule('site',       'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('branch', 'Expected controller.');
        $this->assertAction('pull',       'Expected action.');

        // ensure that required form inputs are presented correctly.
        $this->assertQuery("form.pull-form",           "Expected pull form.");
        $this->assertQuery("input[name='headChange']", "Expected headChange input.");
        $this->assertQuery("select[name='source']",   "Expected sourceselect input.");
        $this->assertQuery("input[name='target'][readOnly='1']", "Expected readonly target input.");
        $this->assertQuery("input[type='radio'][name='mode']",  "Expected mode radio selector.");

        // Expect 2 paths (Configuration parent and Permissions child) due to acl.
        $this->assertQueryCount("input[type='checkbox'][name='paths[]']", 2, "Expected 2 paths available to pull.");
            "ul.nested-checkbox li",
            "Expected Configuration pull path label.  " . $this->response->getBody()
            "ul.nested-checkbox li",
            "Expected Permissions pull path label.  " . $this->response->getBody()
Site_Test_BranchControllerTest::testPullMerge ( )

Tests pull action with a merge request.


        // create test branch
        $name = 'test';

        // switch to test branch, add some content, switch back
        P4Cms_Site::fetch('//' . P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getSiteId() . '/' . $name)->load();
        P4Cms_Site::fetch('//' . P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getSiteId() . '/' . 'live')->load();

        $change = P4_Change::fetchAll(
                P4_Change::FETCH_BY_STATUS => P4_Change::SUBMITTED_CHANGE,
                P4_Change::FETCH_MAXIMUM   => 1

                'headChange' => $change,
                'source'     => '//' . P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getSiteId() . '/' . $name,
                'target'     => 'live',
                'mode'       => Site_Form_Pull::MODE_MERGE,
                'paths'      => array('content', 'content/published-entries', 'content/types')


        $this->assertModule('site',       'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('branch', 'Expected controller.');
        $this->assertAction('pull',       'Expected action.');

        $body = $this->response->getBody();
        $data = Zend_Json::decode($body);

        $this->assertSame($data['severity'], 'success', 'Expected successful pull.  ' . print_r($data, true));
            "Pulled 2 items from 'test'.",
            'Expected message indicating successful pull of 2 records: ' . $data['message']
Site_Test_BranchControllerTest::testSwitch ( )

Test the switch action.



        $this->dispatch('/site/branch/switch/sessionId/' . session_id());
        $this->assertModule('site',       'Expected module, line ' . __LINE__);
        $this->assertController('branch', 'Expected controller, line ' . __LINE__);
        $this->assertAction('switch',     'Expected action, line ' . __LINE__);

        $body        = $this->response->getBody();
        $decodedBody = Zend_Json_Decoder::decode($body);

        $this->assertSame($decodedBody['site'], 'chronicle-test', 'Expected site, line ' . __LINE__);
        $this->assertSame($decodedBody['branch'], 'live', 'Expected branch, line ' . __LINE__);

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