Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation

System_Module Class Reference

Contribute information to the system module and integrate it with the rest of the application. More...

Inheritance diagram for System_Module:

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static fetchMd5 ($path, $stripFilenames=false)
 Fetches the contents of a file containing one or more md5 calculations, and the filenames for which they have been calculated.
static getGeneralInformation ($systemInformation)
 General P4CMS info (version, active site, sites available, etc.)
static getModuleInformation ($systemInformation)
 Optional/contributed Modules installed / enabled / disabled / MD5 checksums.
static getPerforceInformation ($systemInformation)
 Perforce Client Application p4 or p4php version p4port Perforce Server (p4 info) (some client* entries removed) License info number of licenses & expiration date number of users.
static getPhpInformation ($systemInformation)
 PHP info Version Modules in use phpinfo() ???
static getThemeInformation ($systemInformation)
 Themes installed / enabled / disabled / MD5 checksums (?)
static getWebserverInformation ($systemInformation)
 Web server info Which one being used (Apache, etc.) Version Modules in use (can we detect this? Not right now.
static init ()
 Perform early integration work (before load).

Detailed Description

Contribute information to the system module and integrate it with the rest of the application.

2011-2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved
Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.

Member Function Documentation

static System_Module::fetchMd5 ( path,
stripFilenames = false 
) [static]

Fetches the contents of a file containing one or more md5 calculations, and the filenames for which they have been calculated.

Optionally, strips the filenames from the lines in the file, leaving only the md5 calculations.

string$pathThe full path to the file.
bool$stripFilenamesWhether or not to strip the filenames.
string The fetched file contents, or empty string if file cannot be read.
        // pull in the requested file contents
        $md5 = is_readable($path) ? trim(file_get_contents($path)) : '';

        // optionally remove trailing file-names
        if ($stripFilenames) {
            $md5 = preg_replace('/^(\w*).*$/m', '\\1', $md5);

        return $md5;
static System_Module::getGeneralInformation ( systemInformation) [static]

General P4CMS info (version, active site, sites available, etc.)

P4Cms_Model_Iterator$systemInformationThe model list to add to.
        $sysinfo = new System_Model_Info();
        $sysinfo->title             = 'General';
        $sysinfo->order             = -10;
        $sysinfo->view              = APPLICATION_PATH . '/system/views/scripts/general-info.phtml';
        $supportData                = array();
        $supportData['version']     = P4CMS_VERSION;

        // get active site data usage info
        $report        = '';

        $userCount     = P4Cms_User::count();
        $plural        = $userCount != 1 ? 's' : '';
        $report       .= "$userCount user$plural";

        $roleCount     = P4Cms_Acl_Role::count();
        $plural        = $roleCount != 1 ? 's' : '';
        $report       .= ", $roleCount role$plural";

        $contentCount  = P4Cms_Content::count();
        $plural        = $contentCount != 1 ? 'ies' : 'y';
        $report       .= ", $contentCount content entr$plural";

        $typeCount     = P4Cms_Content_Type::count();
        $plural        = $typeCount != 1 ? 's' : '';
        $report       .= ", $typeCount content type$plural";

        $categoryCount = count(Category_Model_Category::fetchAll());
        $plural        = $categoryCount != 1 ? 'ies' : 'y';
        $report       .= " and $categoryCount categor$plural.";

        $activeSite    = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive();
        $supportData['Active Site'] = array(
            'site'     => $activeSite,
            'details'  => $report

        // produce a list of all sites and branches
        $siteList = P4Cms_Site::fetchAll();
        $siteInfo = array();
        foreach ($siteList as $site) {
            $title = $site->getConfig()->getTitle();
            if (!array_key_exists($title, $siteInfo)) {
                $siteInfo[$title] = array();
            $stream             = $site->getStream()->getName();
            $siteInfo[$title][] = $stream;

        $supportData['All Sites'] = $siteInfo;

        // case sensitive on case-sensitive OSs.
        $directoryHandle = dir(LIBRARY_PATH);
        while (false != ($entry = $directoryHandle->read())) {
            if (strpos($entry, '.') !== 0) {
                $supportData['libraries'][] = $entry;

        $originalMd5    = static::fetchMd5(BASE_PATH . '/index.php.md5', true);
        $currentMd5     = md5_file(BASE_PATH . '/index.php');
        $supportData['index.php'] = array(
            'displayClass'      => $originalMd5 == $currentMd5
                ? 'good'
                : 'bad',
            'status'            => $originalMd5 == $currentMd5
                ? 'Ok'
                : 'Failed',
            'details'           => $currentMd5

        $originalMd5    = static::fetchMd5(APPLICATION_PATH . '/Bootstrap.php.md5', true);
        $currentMd5     = md5_file(APPLICATION_PATH . '/Bootstrap.php');
        $supportData['Bootstrap.php'] = array(
            'displayClass'      => $originalMd5 == $currentMd5
                ? 'good'
                : 'bad',
            'status'            => $originalMd5 == $currentMd5
                ? 'Ok'
                : 'Failed',
            'details'           => $currentMd5

        $sysinfo->content       = $supportData;
        $systemInformation[]    = $sysinfo;
static System_Module::getModuleInformation ( systemInformation) [static]

Optional/contributed Modules installed / enabled / disabled / MD5 checksums.

P4Cms_Model_Iterator$systemInformationThe model list to add to.
        $sysinfo = new System_Model_Info();
        $sysinfo->title         = 'Modules';
        $sysinfo->order         = 130;
        $sysinfo->content       = P4Cms_Module::fetchAll()->sortBy(
                array('core', array(P4_Model_Iterator::SORT_DESCENDING)),
                array('name', array(P4_Model_Iterator::SORT_NATURAL))
        $sysinfo->view          = APPLICATION_PATH . '/system/views/scripts/packages-info.phtml';

        $systemInformation[]    = $sysinfo;
static System_Module::getPerforceInformation ( systemInformation) [static]

Perforce Client Application p4 or p4php version p4port Perforce Server (p4 info) (some client* entries removed) License info number of licenses & expiration date number of users.

P4Cms_Model_Iterator$systemInformationThe model list to add to.
        $sysinfo = new System_Model_Info();
        $sysinfo->title = 'Perforce';
        $sysinfo->order = 0;

        // use the default connection.
        $p4 = P4_Connection::getDefaultConnection();

        // client version
        $identity   = $p4->getConnectionIdentity();
        $minVersion = strtolower(Setup_IndexController::MIN_P4_VERSION);
        $ourVersion = strtolower($identity['version']);
        $p4Valid    = version_compare($ourVersion, $minVersion) >= 0;
        $p4Version  = $identity['original'];

        $content['Client Version'] = array(
            'displayClass'  => $p4Valid ? 'good' : 'bad',
            'details'       => $p4Version

        // p4port that client uses
        $p4Port = $p4->getPort();
        $isPortRsh = false;
        if (preg_match('/^rsh:/', $p4Port)) {
            $isPortRsh = true;
            $content['P4PORT'] = $p4Port . ' (local)';
        } else {
            $content['P4PORT'] = $p4Port;

        // capture p4 info output into content
        foreach ($p4->getInfo() as $key => $value) {
            // exclude these entries always
            if (preg_match('/^client(Cwd|Name|Root)/', $key)) {
            // exclude these entries if connection is rsh
            if ($isPortRsh && $key === 'serverUptime') {

            // "keyName" -> "key Name"
            $newKey = preg_replace('/([a-z])([A-Z])/', '$1 $2', $key);
            $newKey = ucfirst($newKey);

            // tweak serverAddress if rsh
            if ($isPortRsh && $key === 'serverAddress') {
                $content[$newKey] = $value . ' (local)';
            } else {
                // default case
                $content[$newKey] = $value;

        // license info
        $license = $p4->run('license', array('-u'))->getData(0);
        $content['Is Licensed'] = $license['isLicensed'];

        // if a particular count is numeric, display "Used X out of " portion
        // if a soft limit is in play, use that, with explanation

        $formatLimit = function($limit, $softMessage) use ($license)
            $message  = '';
            $license += array($limit . "SoftLimit" => null);
            if (is_numeric($license[$limit . 'Count'])) {
                $message .= 'Used '. $license[$limit . 'Count'] .' out of ';

            $message .= $license[$limit . 'SoftLimit'] ?: $license[$limit . 'Limit'];
            if ($license[$limit . 'SoftLimit']) {
                $message .= ' (' . $license[$limit . 'Limit'] . ' if '
                         .  $softMessage . ' not exceeded)';

            return $message;

        // display user limit
        $content['User Limit']   = $formatLimit('user',   'File Limit is');
        $content['Client Limit'] = $formatLimit('client', 'File Limit is');
        $content['File Limit']   = $formatLimit('file',   'User and Client Limits are');

        $sysinfo->content = $content;

        $systemInformation[] = $sysinfo;
static System_Module::getPhpInformation ( systemInformation) [static]

PHP info Version Modules in use phpinfo() ???

P4Cms_Model_Iterator$systemInformationThe model list to add to.
        $sysinfo = new System_Model_Info();
        $sysinfo->title             = 'PHP';
        $sysinfo->order             = 30;
        $supportData                = array();
        $supportData['version']     = array(
            'displayClass'  => (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, Setup_IndexController::MIN_PHP_VERSION) >= 0)
                ? 'good'
                : 'bad',
            'status'        => PHP_VERSION

        $supportData['modules']     = implode(', ', get_loaded_extensions());

        // collect phpinfo()'s HTML markup and make it available to the report.
        $supportData['phpinfo']     = trim(ob_get_clean());

        $sysinfo->content           = $supportData;
        $sysinfo->view              = APPLICATION_PATH . '/system/views/scripts/php-info.phtml';

        $systemInformation[]        = $sysinfo;
static System_Module::getThemeInformation ( systemInformation) [static]

Themes installed / enabled / disabled / MD5 checksums (?)

P4Cms_Model_Iterator$systemInformationThe model list to add to.
        $sysinfo = new System_Model_Info();
        $sysinfo->title     = 'Themes';
        $sysinfo->order     = 140;
        $sysinfo->view      = APPLICATION_PATH . '/system/views/scripts/packages-info.phtml';
        $sysinfo->content   = P4Cms_Theme::fetchAll();

        $systemInformation[] = $sysinfo;
static System_Module::getWebserverInformation ( systemInformation) [static]

Web server info Which one being used (Apache, etc.) Version Modules in use (can we detect this? Not right now.

P4Cms_Model_Iterator$systemInformationThe model list to add to.
        $sysinfo = new System_Model_Info();
        $sysinfo->title             = 'Webserver';
        $sysinfo->order             = 40;
        $supportData                = array();

        // When running unit tests, this key will not exist, throwing an error and failing any
        // related tests.
        $supportData['server']      = (array_key_exists('SERVER_SOFTWARE', $_SERVER))
                                    ? $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']
                                    : 'Unavailable';

        $sysinfo->content           = $supportData;
        $systemInformation[]        = $sysinfo;
static System_Module::init ( ) [static]

Perform early integration work (before load).

Reimplemented from P4Cms_Module_Integration.

        P4Cms_PubSub::subscribe('', 'System_Module', 'getGeneralInformation');
        P4Cms_PubSub::subscribe('', 'System_Module', 'getPerforceInformation');
        P4Cms_PubSub::subscribe('', 'System_Module', 'getWebserverInformation');
        P4Cms_PubSub::subscribe('', 'System_Module', 'getPhpInformation');
        P4Cms_PubSub::subscribe('', 'System_Module', 'getModuleInformation');
        P4Cms_PubSub::subscribe('', 'System_Module', 'getThemeInformation');

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: