Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation

User_AclController Class Reference

Manages user permissions. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 indexAction ()
 List all permissions.
 init ()
 Set management layout as default layout for acl.
 resetAction ()
 Reset acl resources and privileges to defaults.
 saveAction ()
 Save modified rules.

Public Attributes


Protected Member Functions

 _getPermissions (P4Cms_Acl $acl)
 Combine resources and privileges into one list of permissions.
 _getRoleRules ($role, P4Cms_Acl $acl)
 Get all of the privilege rules for the given role, organized by resource.
 _getRules (P4Cms_Acl $acl)
 Get all of the privilege rules organized by role and then resource.
 _isDisabledPrivilege (P4Cms_Acl_Privilege $privilege, Zend_Acl_Role_Interface $role)
 Check if the given privilege is disabled for the named role.

Detailed Description

Manages user permissions.

2011-2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved
Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.

Member Function Documentation

User_AclController::_getPermissions ( P4Cms_Acl acl) [protected]

Combine resources and privileges into one list of permissions.

Each list entry contains:

  • type
  • resourceId
  • resourceLabel
  • privilegeId (null for resources)
  • privilegeLabel (null for resources)
P4Cms_Acl$aclthe acl to read permissions from.
P4Cms_Model_Iterator a iterator of resources and privileges.
        $permissions = new P4Cms_Model_Iterator;
        foreach ($acl->getResourceObjects() as $resource) {

            // add the resource first.
            $permissions[] = new P4Cms_Model(
                    'type'              => 'resource',
                    'resourceId'        => $resource->getId(),
                    'resourceLabel'     => $resource->getLabel(),
                    'privilegeId'       => null,
                    'privilegeLabel'    => null,
                    'options'           => array()

            // add any associated privileges.
            foreach ($resource->getPrivileges() as $privilege) {

                // skip hidden privileges.
                if ($privilege->getOption('hidden')) {

                $permissions[] = new P4Cms_Model(
                        'type'              => 'privilege',
                        'resourceId'        => $resource->getId(),
                        'resourceLabel'     => $resource->getLabel(),
                        'privilegeId'       => $privilege->getId(),
                        'privilegeLabel'    => $privilege->getLabel(),
                        'options'           => $privilege->getOptions()


        return $permissions;
User_AclController::_getRoleRules ( role,
P4Cms_Acl acl 
) [protected]

Get all of the privilege rules for the given role, organized by resource.

string$rolethe role to get rules for.
P4Cms_Acl$aclthe acl to read rules from.
array list of privilege rules for the given role, grouped by resource.
        $rules = array();
        foreach ($acl->getResourceObjects() as $resource) {
            $rules[$resource->getId()] = array();
            foreach ($resource->getPrivileges() as $privilege) {

                // skip hidden privileges.
                if ($privilege->getOption('hidden')) {

                // determine if role is allowed access to privilege.
                $allowed = $acl->isAllowed(

                $rules[$resource->getId()][$privilege->getId()] = array(
                    'allowed'  => $allowed,
                    'disabled' => $this->_isDisabledPrivilege($privilege, $acl->getRole($role))

        return $rules;
User_AclController::_getRules ( P4Cms_Acl acl) [protected]

Get all of the privilege rules organized by role and then resource.

P4Cms_Acl$aclthe acl to read rules from.
array the list of all privilege rules grouped by role and then resource.
        $rules = array();
        foreach ($acl->getRoles() as $role) {
            $rules[$role] = $this->_getRoleRules($role, $acl);

        return $rules;
User_AclController::_isDisabledPrivilege ( P4Cms_Acl_Privilege privilege,
Zend_Acl_Role_Interface $  role 
) [protected]

Check if the given privilege is disabled for the named role.

A privilege is disabled if it is locked or if it requires super user access and the given role is not a super-user role.

P4Cms_Acl_Privilege$privilegethe privilege to check.
Zend_Acl_Role_Interface$rolethe role to check for.
        $needsSuper = $privilege->getOption('needsSuper');
        $locked     = $privilege->getOption('locked');
        if (is_array($locked)) {
            $locked = in_array($role->getRoleId(), $locked);

        if ($locked || ($needsSuper && !P4Cms_Acl_Role::isSuper($role->getRoleId()))) {
            return true;

        return false;
User_AclController::indexAction ( )

List all permissions.

p4cms.user.acl.roles Adjust the passed iterator (possibly based on values in the passed form) to filter which roles will be shown on the Manage Permissions grid. P4Cms_Model_Iterator $roles An iterator of P4Cms_Acl_Role objects. P4Cms_Form_PubSubForm $form A form containing filter options.

p4cms.user.acl.permissions Adjust the passed iterator (possibly based on values in the passed form) to filter which permissions will be shown on the Manage Permissions grid. P4Cms_Model_Iterator $permissions An iterator of P4Cms_Model objects (representing each permission). P4Cms_Form_PubSubForm $form A form containing filter options. Return the passed item after applying any modifications (add properties, change values, etc.) to influence the row values sent to the Manage Permissions grid. array $item The item to potentially modify. mixed $model The original object/array that was used to make the item. Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid $helper The view helper that broadcast this topic. Adjust the passed data (add properties, modify values, etc.) to influence the row values sent to the Manage Permissions grid. Zend_Dojo_Data $data The data to be filtered. Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid $helper The view helper that broadcast this topic.

p4cms.user.acl.grid.render Make adjustments to the datagrid helper's options pre-render (i.e. change options) for the Manage Permissions grid. Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid $helper The view helper that broadcast this topic.

p4cms.user.acl.grid.form Make arbitrary modifications to the Manage Permissions filters form. P4Cms_Form_PubSubForm $form The form that published this event.

p4cms.user.acl.grid.form.subForms Return a Form (or array of Forms) to have them added to the Manage Permissions filters form. The returned form(s) should have a 'name' set on them to allow them to be uniquely identified. P4Cms_Form_PubSubForm $form The form that published this event.

p4cms.user.acl.grid.form.preValidate Allows subscribers to adjust the Manage Permissions filters form prior to validation of the passed data. For example, modify element values based on related selections to permit proper validation. P4Cms_Form_PubSubForm $form The form that published this event. array $values An associative array of form values.

p4cms.user.acl.grid.form.validate Return false to indicate the Manage Permissions filters form is invalid. Return true to indicate your custom checks were satisfied, so form validity should be unchanged. P4Cms_Form_PubSubForm $form The form that published this event. array $values An associative array of form values.

p4cms.user.acl.grid.form.populate Allows subscribers to adjust the Manage Permissions filters form after it has been populated with the passed data. P4Cms_Form_PubSubForm $form The form that published this event. array $values The values passed to the populate method.

        // enforce permissions
        $this->acl->check('users', 'manage-acl');

        // grab current acl.
        $acl = $this->acl->getAcl();

        // setup grid options form.
        $request        = $this->getRequest();
        $gridNamespace  = 'p4cms.user.acl.grid';
        $form           = new User_Form_AclGridOptions(
                'acl'       => $acl,
                'namespace' => $gridNamespace

        // setup view.
        $view               = $this->view;
        $view->acl          = $acl;
        $view->form         = $form;
        $view->pageSize     = $request->getParam('count', 100);
        $view->rowOffset    = $request->getParam('start', 0);
        $view->pageOffset   = round($view->rowOffset / $view->pageSize, 0) + 1;
        $view->headTitle()->set('Manage Permissions');

        // set DataGrid view helper namespace
        $helper = $view->dataGrid();

        // prepare different data for different request contexts.
        if (!$this->contextSwitch->getCurrentContext()) {

            // load roles and rules for standard requests
            $roles = P4Cms_Acl_Role::fetchAll();
            $rules = $this->_getRules($acl);

            // allow third-parties to influence roles in acl
            P4Cms_PubSub::publish('p4cms.user.acl.roles', $roles, $form);

            $this->view->roles = $roles;
            $this->view->rules = $rules;

        } else {

            // collect permissions for other (e.g. json) requests.
            $permissions = $this->_getPermissions($acl);

            // allow third-parties to influence permissions list
            P4Cms_PubSub::publish('p4cms.user.acl.permissions', $permissions, $form);

            // sort permissions by resource first and privilege second.
                array('resourceLabel', 'privilegeLabel'),
                array(P4Cms_Model_Iterator::SORT_NATURAL, P4Cms_Model_Iterator::SORT_NO_CASE)

            $this->view->permissions = $permissions;
User_AclController::init ( )

Set management layout as default layout for acl.

User_AclController::resetAction ( )

Reset acl resources and privileges to defaults.

        // enforce permissions
        $this->acl->check('users', 'manage-acl');

        $acl = $this->acl->getAcl();

        // reset acl and re-install defaults.

        // ACL changes can have quite an affect; clear caches

        // notify user of reset.
            'Permissions Reset',

User_AclController::saveAction ( )

Save modified rules.

        // enforce permissions
        $this->acl->check('users', 'manage-acl');

        // only accept post requests.
        $request = $this->getRequest();
        if (!$request->isPost()) {
            throw new P4Cms_AccessDeniedException(
                "You may only save ACL via HTTP post."

        // rules are expected as a multi-dimensional array
        // organized into roles that contain resources which
        // contain privileges:
        //  array(
        //      <role> => array(
        //          <resource> => array(
        //              <privilege> => array('allowed' => true,  'disabled' => false),
        //              <privilege> => array('allowed' => false, 'disabled' => true)
        //          ),
        //          <resource> => ...
        //      ),
        //      <role> => ...
        //  )
        $rules = $request->getPost('rules');

        // if context is json, rules must be decoded.
        if ($this->contextSwitch->getCurrentContext() == 'json') {
            $rules = Zend_Json::decode($rules);

        // grab the active acl.
        $acl = $this->acl->getAcl();

        // iterate over roles, resources and privileges
        // set allow rule if privilege evaluates to true,
        // remove rule if it is false (ie. no explicit 'deny').
        foreach ((array) $rules as $role => $resources) {
            // resources must be an array.
            if (!is_array($resources)) {

            foreach ($resources as $resource => $privileges) {

                // skip invalid resources.
                if (!$acl->has($resource)) {

                $resource = $acl->get($resource);

                // privileges must be an array.
                if (!is_array($privileges)) {

                // set each privilege rule.
                foreach ($privileges as $privilege => $rule) {

                    // skip non-existant privileges.
                    if (!$resource->hasPrivilege($privilege)) {

                    $privilege = $resource->getPrivilege($privilege);

                    // skip disabled privileges.
                    if ($this->_isDisabledPrivilege($privilege, $acl->getRole($role))) {

                    // use a proxy for assertions to allow for assert
                    // classes that might not exist at all times.
                    $assert = $privilege->getOption('assertion');
                    if ($assert) {
                        $assert = new P4Cms_Acl_Assert_Proxy($assert);

                    // set the acl rule
                    $operation = isset($rule['allowed']) && $rule['allowed']
                        ? P4Cms_Acl::OP_ADD
                        : P4Cms_Acl::OP_REMOVE;

        // save the acl.

        // ACL changes can have quite an affect; clear caches


Member Data Documentation

Initial value:
        'index'     => array('json'),
        'save'      => array('json')

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