9.6. Viewing a Branch

There are two ways to view a branch:

    1. Click the "active branch" indicator in the Perforce Chronicle toolbar.
      The branch popup menu appears:
      Note that branches available to view appear above the separator in the popup menu.
    2. Click the branch you wish to view. The home page for the selected branch is displayed.
    1. Click the "active branch" indicator in the Perforce Chronicle toolbar.
      The branch popup menu appears:
    2. Click Manage Branches. The Sites and Branches screen appears.
    3. Scroll through the available branches to locate the branch you wish to view.
    4. Click the button in the Actions column in the row containing the branch you wish to view.
    5. Select the View option in the popup menu.
      The home page for the selected branch is displayed.
Perforce Chronicle - Release: 2012.2/486814