6.8. Deleting Menu Items

To delete a menu item:

  1. Click Manage in the Perforce Chronicle toolbar.
  2. Click Menus.
    The Manage Menus screen is displayed.
  3. Scroll through the available menus to locate the menu item you wish to delete.
  4. Click the button in the Actions column in the row containing the menu item you wish to delete.
  5. Select the Delete option.

    The Delete Menu Item confirmation dialog is displayed.
  6. Click the Delete button in the dialog to complete the deletion of the menu item. The Manage Menu screen is redisplayed and no longer lists the deleted menu item.

6.8.1. How to Delete a Menu Item for a Content Entry While Editing

Please refer to Section 6.6.1, “How to Add a Menu Item for a Content Entry While Editing”, specifically the description of the Remove link.

Perforce Chronicle - Release: 2012.2/486814